Listen Now: Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball on the Corruption of Climate Science
Warmists now trying to erase record Antarctica sea ice growth! Say ice growth due to data ‘processing’ error – Climatologist Rebuts Claims
There is a real irony in the Left’s repeated insinuation that climate realists must be funded, somehow, by the oil industry. In truth, there is plenty of money being distributed to climate scientists, but just about all of it comes from governments, and all government money goes to alarmists who promote government power. From this […]
‘The large increase in Antarctic sea ice since 2002 is real’
A new paper is being spun by warmists as debunking the recent record highs in Antarctic sea ice. According to the authors, a change in satellite sensors in December 1991 led to a “significant error” in either the data prior to 12/91 or the data after 12/91, but they don’t know which one. Color me skeptical, but the alleged step-change […]
Claim: Antartica record high sea ice partially an artifact of an algorithm – ‘Much of the increase measured for S. Hemisphere sea ice could be due to a processing error in the satellite data’
Wash Post profiles another Dissenter: ‘This weathercaster has earned farmers’ trust. He also believes climate change doesn’t exist.’
Survey Shows Americans Lead the World in ‘Climate Denial’
Meteorologist Joseph D’Aleo on ‘hottest’ months claim: ‘The warming is all in the questionable adjustments made to the data’
Greenland Was Much Warmer During The Medieval Warm Period
Flashback: NHL teams miffed at not getting first-class seating on flights