Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer: ‘I’ll see your 97%, and raise you 3% – ‘John Kerry is so clueless about this issue it’s downright embarrassing’

I’ll see your 97 percent, and raise you 3 percent The meme that 97% of climate scientists believe global warming is, well, apparently whatever you want them to believe, is getting really annoying. John Kerry is so clueless about this issue it’s downright embarrassing. Does he really think we can do something that will […]

German Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt: German Scientists Tried To Expurgate Me – ‘Alarmism Being Put In Its Place…Doubt Getting Broader, More Public’!

German Professor Fritz Vahrenholt: “Alarmism Being Put In Its Place…Doubt Getting Broader, More Public”! I sent an e-mail to Fritz Vahrenholt to ask his opinion on the Lennart Bengtsson mobbing scandal. Professor Vahrenholt is one of the fathers of the German environmental movement and co-author of the best-selling skeptic climate science book “Die kalte Sonne“. […]

Author of 1975 Newsweek global cooling article, Peter Gwynne, issues partial ‘mea culpa’ — Rails on ‘deniers’ & promotes Michael Mann & Now says of cooling fears ‘scientists now know that they were seriously incomplete’

However, both types of warming deniers, along with policymakers who have consistently opposed any regulation designed to reduce acid rain, the destruction of the ozone layer, and other perceived ills, have consistently used the articles – particularly mine – as ammunition. But that’s just one line of attack. Mann suffered another starting in 1998, after […]