Prof Mike Hulme, Professor of Climate and Culture at King’s College London, said:
“The publishers of the journal concerned, IOP, express astonishment that the story of this rejected manuscript made front-page news. Of course it’s perfectly normal for scientific papers to be rejected for a whole variety of good reasons. But the reason it made front-page news in this case was because of the previous pressure brought to bear on Professor Bengtsson, from a variety of quarters including from other climate scientists, which made him resign his position as an academic advisor to the GWPF think-tank. This is the real story here: why certain climate scientists believe it’s their role to pass public judgement on whether a scientific colleague should offer advice to political, public or a campaigning organisations and to harass that scientist until they ‘fall into line’.
“This episode tells us a lot about how deeply politicised climate science has become, but how some scientists remain blind to their own biases.”