UK Times Update: UN Climate Scientist Dr. Mike Hulme: Scientists who vilified a colleague for advising a think-tank are ‘blind to their own biases’
Prof Mike Hulme, Professor of Climate and Culture at King’s College London, said:“The publishers of the journal concerned, IOP, express astonishment that the story of this rejected manuscript made front-page news. Of course it’s perfectly normal for scientific papers to be rejected for a whole variety of good reasons. But the reason it made front-page […]
WSJ: ‘Scientific Authoritarians’: ‘The case for skepticism about climate scientists’
‘The new Climategate scandal’
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘Mike Hulme, spot on as he often is: “the real story here …to harass that scientist until they ‘fall into line’
Mike Hulme, spot on as he often is: “the real story here …to harass that scientist until they ‘fall into line’”
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘Whatever climate bullies may say, Lennart Bengtsson is an accomplished scientist who has earned respect and thanks’
Whatever climate bullies may say, Lennart Bengtsson is an accomplished scientist who has earned respect and thanks–>,6&q=lennart+bengtsson
Mark Steyn: Silenced skeptic Bengtsson, ‘Whether they also left a polar bear’s head in his bed we shall discover in time.’
More @MarkSteynOnline: Re silenced skeptic Bengtsson, ‘Whether they also left a polar bear’s head in his bed we shall discover in time.’
‘Widespread worry over the suppression of scientific views’ – Leaked Memo On Climatology Exposes Growing Worry Within German Meteorological Society…’Unacceptable Unethical Developments’
Leaked Memo On Climatology Exposes Growing Worry Within German Meteorological Society…”Unacceptable Unethical Developments” A reader/professor has sent me an internal memo he recently obtained from a meteorologist and member of the Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft [German Meteorological Society], abbreviated as DMG. Clearly grave concern is emerging over a large swath of the broader German meteorological-climatological community in the […]
SCANDAL! Climate Scientists Suppressed Research Which Disagreed With Warming Theory
Wacky Warmism Rebutted: Claim: DC under water? Not ‘if,’ but ‘when’ Due To Melting Antarctic Claims –
DC under water? Not ‘if,’ but ‘when’… DC under water? Not ‘if,’ but ‘when’…(Top headline, 4th story, link)Related stories:GLOBAL WARMING SCIENTISTS COVERED UP SCEPTIC’S ‘DAMAGING’ REVIEW…PAPER: ‘Echo of Climategate’…’CLIMATE MCCARTHYISM’… Sent by gReader Pro