Morano continued: ‘Chipotle appears to have based their fears on predictions that global warming would impact avocado production over the next 32 years. Instead of believing predictions of many decades in the future, perhaps the global warming activists should be more concerned with the fact that the Federal government could not even predict this past winter’s brutal temperatures just a few months before winter began. ”
(See: Farmer’s Almanac vs. The Feds: Feds failed with Winter forecast But ‘Farmers’ Almanac’ accurately predicted a ‘bitterly cold’ winter) & (Source: (And while the avocado industry is fine at the moment, scientists are anticipating drier conditions due to climate change, which may have negative effects on California’s crop. Scientists from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, for example, predict hotter temps will cause a 40 percent dropin California’s avocado production over the next 32 years. [Climate Progress])
Related Links:
Guacpocalypse NOT Now: Chipotle walks back global warming-quacamole alarm – ‘This is way overblown’
Reality Check: ‘The condition most limiting to growing an avocado tree is cold weather’ – More here.