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Report: UVA official tries to ban discourse after global warming movie shows on campus – Maligns climate skeptics as ‘scientifically illiterate’

Contact: Brian Wilson 615-321-1067 [email protected] University of Virginia official tries to shut down debate after movie showing  February 19, 2014 (Charlottesville, VA) – This past Monday, after Phil Valentine’s movie, An Inconsistent Truth, screened on the campus of the University of Virginia, a university official from the environmental sciences department blasted the College Republicans for allowing Valentine on […]

Obama Wants to Waste a Billion on ‘Climate Change’

Obama Wants to Waste a Billion on “Climate Change” From Alan Caruba’s Warning SignsBarack Obama will be remembered for many things during his two terms in office, but high on the list, right after lying to everyone about everything, will be his determination to waste billions of taxpayer dollars on every Green scheme from solar […]