Antarctic fiasco update: Chinese rescue icebreaker now also stuck in ice
Antarctic fiasco update: Chinese rescue icebreaker now also stuck in ice –
Paper: Warming Grinches See A New White Christmas Record – ‘Global warming? Bah, humbug!’
Global Warming Strikes Antarctic Science Team
On Dec. 21, Gore accused skeptics of ‘dark money’ funding — 5 days AFTER touting his own ‘ANONYMOUS’ donor would match donations to Gore
Claim that conservatives receive $1 Billion a year to ‘fight action on climate change’ dismantled & mocked Claim: ‘Conservative groups spend up to $1bn a year to fight action on climate change‘ (By Suzanne Goldenberg, The Guardian) Dr. Lubos Motl responds: ‘Congratulations to all of us. A possible problem – one pointed out to me by […]
1989 NYT Editorial Slammed Former NASA Scientist James Hansen For Pushing Climate BS – ‘Crying Wolf in the Greenhouse’ – ‘Very few of his [Hansen’s] colleagues agree with him’ that ‘the greenhouse effect is already here’
2013 had the fewest US forest fires since 1984
‘Least extreme U.S. weather year ever?’ 2013 shatters the record for fewest U.S. tornadoes — 15% lower than previous record — 2013 also had the fewest U.S. forest fires since 1984
Much to the chagrin of man-made global warming activists who want to tie every weather event to so called ‘global weirding’, 2013 has turned out to be one of the “least extreme” weather years in U.S. history. See: New Study: ’2013 ranks as one of the least extreme U.S. weather years ever’– Many bad weather events […]