Claim: ‘Conservative groups spend up to $1bn a year to fight action on climate change‘ (By Suzanne Goldenberg, The Guardian)
Dr. Lubos Motl responds: ‘Congratulations to all of us. A possible problem – one pointed out to me by the Galileo Movement via Twitter – is that I may find out that we just “may have received” the billion instead of the phrase “did receive” it.’ — ‘The funding of climate skepticism work is at most something of order $10 million a year and much if not most of the most influential work is being done on a budget that is smaller than that by additional orders of magnitude…This figure should be compared to $80 billion that have been paid to promote the climate hysteria pseudoscience, mostly in the recent decade or two…If Suzanne Goldenberg believes that the purpose of this funding is to change people’s minds, well, then I must say that the climate skeptics are more efficient by almost 4 orders of magnitude.’
Climate Depot Response: This new study and the media reports surrounding it are pure bunk! The study counts all money raised by all conservati