Warmist David Robert Grimes Foams At The Keyboard…Mounting Frustration Now On The Verge Of Anger

Irish Times David Robert Grimes Foams At The Keyboard…Mounting Frustration Now On The Verge Of Anger


David Robert Grimes of the Irish Times latest piece pretty much tells us all we all need to know about the state of mind of climate alarmists nowadays: it’s one of mounting frustration that’s on the verge of exploding anger. Is this what one typically sees from the winning side of a debate? Certainly not.
What we are actually seeing appears to be the tantrum one sees from the losing side that had gone in thinking victory was sure. Like an 8-year old losing a checker game to a brighter 4-year old.
The humiliation is evident.
He writes: “If greenhouse emissions continue their steady escalation, temperatures across most of the earth will rise to levels with no recorded precedent by the middle of this century, researchers say.” Notice here how Grimes writes “temperature will rise” and not “temperature is rising“. He is telling us to just wait another 40 years. He has to do this because all the models have been dead wrong. And what Grimes fails to understand is that if they are wrong today, then they can’t be used for the future. In fact neither Grimes nor any scientist has a single scrap of data that allows them to predict the future. It’s all scenario and speculation.
Misinterprets the warming stop as bleak
He writes: “The findings are bleak, but not unexpected.” False. The findings are unexpected. Not a single IPCC model got the temperatures for the last fifteen years correct. All overstated the temperature rise. So this is good news and is certainly not “bleak”. Only psychologically abnormal person would not feel a sense of some relief. The stop in temperature rise is unexpected and is thus can be nothing but good news – period.
Obsessive catastrophe wishers
Clearly Grimes comes across as an obsessive and irrational catastrophe-wisher. No data, news, or even therapy, are going to change the mindset of the obsessive alarmist. He seems to have an acute, unexplainable allergy to the bearers of good news, especially from “publications like the Daily Mail, the Wall Street Journal and numerous Murdoch press.” All good news that gets presented absolutely has to be defeated.
Grimes denies real data, embraces model scenarios
Grimes also accuses the skeptics of denialism, claiming they are practicing a “stubborn and persistent refusal to acknowledge what the evidence shows beyond all reasonable doubt.” All we can say here is that Grimes only needs to look at the performance of the models, storm statistics, Antarctic sea ice trends, the missing tropospheric hot spot, and especially the ABANDONED hockey stick. Who’s really in denial? Which scientists are puzzled by the missing heat and are scrambling to make up excuses for it?
Alarmist journalists qualified, skeptic ones not?
In his rambling, foaming rant, Grimes gripes about the skeptic politicians and press, even attacking columnists James Delingpole and David Rose for challenging the science and claiming they have “no qualification to do so.” Such a stupid argument. Delingpole and Rose are just as qualified to challenge the science as Grimes and Borenstein are qualified to endorse it. In the end data decide, and not the scientists with the longest resumes. This guy went to Oxford?
Concedes complexity that skeptics claimed for years
Grimes also hints that climate science is too complex to be decided by society: “Climate is a deeply complex system, not a simple thermostat.” Unfortunately this is not what the alarmist climate scientists have been telling us for the last 20 years. In fact they told us just the opposite: Climate and global temperature boil down to the concentration of trace gas CO2. Even Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber said so on camera. And all their simple climate models told us the same. It is us skeptics who have been telling the world that the climate is far more complex and that the simple CO2-global temperature correlation was preposterous. And now that there has not been any warming in 15 years, the alarmists are now finally waking up and coming around to this.
Calls for anger, emotionalization have no place in science
Grimes is emotional and frustrated, and thus cannot be taken seriously anymore. His scientific understanding has been fatally compromised by his emotional outbursts. Calls for anger and emotionalization have no place in science.
Finally Grimes writes: “Worse than this, depleting ice-sheets increase tectonic and volcanic activity as the confining loads on these systems are stripped away, increasing seismic activity.”
Now that I’m done laughing, to this I can only say that it amazes me that Oxford University would actually graduate people capable of such flaming nonsense. Grimes actually confuses far fetched raw hypotheses with settled science.
From a science point a view, Grimes offers nothing. All we can do is give him high marks for entertainment. His behavior is exactly what us skeptics had looked forward to seeing 10 years ago, a time when were pretty sure we were going to win the debate. The entertainment begins.
Photo David Grimes, Twitter

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