Claim: Last 100 years may be warmest in 120,000 years in the Arctic — ‘but not so fast’
America’s Deadliest Hurricane And Tornado Both Occurred During The ‘Coldest Years Ever’
America’s Worst Fire Occurred During One Of The Coldest Years Ever
Has it come to this?! Climate scientists refuse grant money to study natural climate change! ‘So far, no Nebraska researchers will touch research money that doesn’t have humans-to-blame as a theme’
Via Dr. Roy Spencer: Nebraska climate scientists’ heads stuck in the topsoil After working in this field for a few decades one thing that has been crystal-clear is the obvious bias of climate research funding toward anthropogenic effects and away from natural influences on climate. So this news story about the Nebraska state legislature […]
World’s Hottest Temperature Occurred During One Of The Coldest Years Ever
UN IPCC 1990 Sea Level Predictions Only Missed By A Factor Of Five: ‘The 1990 IPCC Report predicted about 120 mm of sea level rise by the year 2014’
Supreme Court could derail Obama climate agenda
Supreme Court could derail Obama climate agenda | The Daily Caller
Electing McAuliffe will make the weather better, says ad | The Daily Caller
Electing McAuliffe will make the weather better, says ad | The Daily Caller
A new record: the most sea ice in Antarctica in 30 years by extent and by volume
A new record: the most sea ice in Antarctica in 30 years by extent and by volume Translated by Google from this press release in German at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany: Never so much sea ice at Antarctica in the last 30 years In light of global warming, it seems paradoxical that […]
Warmist David Robert Grimes Foams At The Keyboard…Mounting Frustration Now On The Verge Of Anger
Irish Times David Robert Grimes Foams At The Keyboard…Mounting Frustration Now On The Verge Of Anger David Robert Grimes of the Irish Times latest piece pretty much tells us all we all need to know about the state of mind of climate alarmists nowadays: it’s one of mounting frustration that’s on the verge of […]