Curry: “The amount of time and funding that has been wasted by using climate models for purposes for which that are unfit, may eventually be judged to be colossal”
Trust, and don’t bother to verify | Climate Etc.
There are many paleoclimate papers published in these papers that include dubious statistical methods and great leaps of logic…….And why do these scientists think climate models are fit for these purposes? Why, the IPCC has told them so, with very high confidence. The manufactured consensus of the IPCC has arguably set our true understanding of the climate system back at least a decade, in my judgment….The amount of time and funding that has been wasted by using climate models for purposes for which that are unfit, may eventually be judged to be colossal.
And finally, getting back to the ‘verify’ and replication issue, the blogosphere is already playing a hugely important role here, with McIntyre as the original auditor, longstanding contributions from Lucia, and a host of competent new blogospheric auditors that are emerging.