Listen Now: Interview with The Man Who Debunked the Hockey Stick – ‘Talks with Ross McKitrick who, with Stephen McIntyre, debunked the famous ‘Hockey Stick’ graph used by the IPCC, Al Gore’
Power Hour: The Man Who Debunked the Hockey Stick On this episode of Power Hour, Alex Epstein talks with Dr. Ross McKitrick who, with Dr. Stephen McIntyre, debunked the famous “Hockey Stick” graph used by the IPCC, Al Gore, and just about every other person and organization pushing for government action in the face […]
Watershed…Leading German Business Weekly Declares IPCC Science A Failure: ‘Time For A New Climate Policy’ – ‘Write of scientists using ‘horror scenarios’ to scare leaders into rash policymaking’
Watershed…Leading German Business Weekly Declares IPCC Science A Failure: “Time For A New Climate Policy” Dieter Dürand and Sven Titz write at Germany’s flagship business weekly Wirthschaftswoche (English: Business Week) that it’s high time for a new climate policy in the wake of the massive IPCC failures. Germany’s “Wirtschaftswoche” publishes unusually harsh article on IPCC […]
Geologist E. Kirsten Peters new book: ‘The Whole Story of Climate’ – ‘While the typical American has the impression that climate would be stable if it weren’t for industrialization and the production of greenhouse gases from smokestacks and cars, geologic history in fact reveals a ceaselessly changing climate running back into the time thousands of years before the modern economy’
E. Kirsten Peters | The Whole Story of Climate ‘It is past time to start new conversations not predicated on the framework of somehow holding climate static through the sacrifices of carbon taxes or caps.’
Geologist E. Kirsten Peters: She warns cold spell near? – Geologist digs deeper on climate change
Cold spell near? Geologist digs deeper on climate change | Opinion – Rhode Islanders speak out on issues | Providence Journal It is a book called “The Whole Story of Climate: What Science Reveals About the Nature of Endless Change” (Prometheus Books). The author, E. Kirsten Peters, is a geologist who says that what […]
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry: ‘The amount of time and funding that has been wasted by using climate models for purposes for which that are unfit, may eventually be judged to be colossal”
Curry: “The amount of time and funding that has been wasted by using climate models for purposes for which that are unfit, may eventually be judged to be colossal” Trust, and don’t bother to verify | Climate Etc. There are many paleoclimate papers published in these papers that include dubious statistical methods and great […]
The age of climate alarmism is coming to an end: ‘Given the IPCC’ s five tries to convince the world that human activity is causing catastrophic warming of the planet, runaway sea-level rise and various weather disasters, the public still doesn’t buy it’
Antarctic sea ice still at record high — where is springtime melt? ‘Temperatures at the South Pole show 30 years of climate sameness’
Antarctic sea ice still at record high — where is springtime melt? Whatever happened to polar amplification? The oceans are apparently warming, and yet the sea-ice abounds in the Southern Hemisphere. A new record was set at 19.57 million square kilometers of ice [NSIDC-nrt], around one million more than the usual amount. (Yesterday ice […]