Washington Post Insiders: ‘Democrats’ lost momentum on climate change’ — ‘Climate change is probably leaving the stage as a political issue — just as Pres. Obama is trying to gather momentum for a major push’

Excerpt: As I said last week, fewer Americans view global warming as a “very serious problem” today than just six months ago. In October, 39 percent of Americans viewed global warming as a very serious problem, compared with 33 percent who believe that to be true today.

Higher energy prices and the Democrats’ pointless follies on global warming, when combined with our fragile, discouraging economy, means that climate change is probably leaving the stage as a political issue — just as President Obama is trying to gather momentum for a major push. It’ll be interesting to see whether the White House gracefully goes quiet on the issue.

The Democrats are increasingly preaching to the choir about climate change, partially because of the state of the economy but also because of the hypocrisy that surrounds the issue. People notice that those who preach the loudest seem disproportionately to fly in private jets, sleep in mansions, float on yachts and otherwise lifestyles that produce high levels of carbon emissions — the occasional pious Prius puttering along in Hollywood or elsewhere notwithstanding.
