Indian Greens: ‘Electric grid will accelerate climate change’ — ‘Poor people should forgo access to electricity because of climate change’
“Climate activists trying to stop poor Indian villages receiving electricity ” – I assumed spin, but no.
Poor in India to be denied energy due to climate fears?! ‘Electric grid will accelerate climate change in Sundarbans’– Warned electricity ‘will also accelerate the process of climate change’
‘Electric grid will accelerate climate change in Sundarbans’ Last Updated: Sunday, December 16, 2012, 13:58 The ongoing extension of the electric grid to the remote islands of Sundarbans will not only adversely affect the viability of existing renewable energy projects, but will also accelerate the process of climate change, experts say. “In view of the […]
No Long-Term Trend in Frequency, Strength of Landfalling Hurricanes — A new study by Jessica Weinkle (U of Colorado), Ryan Maue (Naval Research Lab), & Roger Pielke, Jr.
370 years of tropical cyclone data from the Lesser Antilles (the eastern Caribbean island chain that bisects the main development region for landfalling U.S. hurricanes) show no long-term trend in either power or frequency but a 50- to 70-year wave pattern associated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, a mode of natural climate variability
Lord Monckton releases his AR5 reviewer comments: Provides450 peer reviewed papers that IPCC has missed — Notes IPCC ‘must stop ignoring’ 16 years of ‘no statistically significant warming’
The real IPCC AR5 draft bombshell: Global temps are tracking below IPCC model scenario ranges
A rebuttal to Steven Sherwood and the solar forcing pundits of the IPCC AR5 draft leak
Another IPCC AR5 reviewer speaks out: no trend in global water vapor: ‘New global water vapor findings contradict 2nd draft of IPCC Assessment Report 5 (AR5)’
Climate modelers assume water vapor, the principle ghg, will increase with CO2, but the study shows this has not occurred. CO2 has continued to increase, but global water vapor has not’ ‘The first NVAP-M paper was published earlier this year (after the FOD reviews) and is definitely worthy of citation: Thomas H. Vonder Haar, Janice […]
In most of a quote-rich new interview, occasional warmist darling Richard Muller once again channels Marc Morano — Muller to skeptics: ‘Most of your skepticism is still valid’
Muller: ‘I recall back in 1950s, when I was a kid in NYC, the freak storms and changes in climate were attributed by some eminent scientists to atmospheric nuclear testing. (Maybe the freak storms and changes in climate should now be attributed to the nuclear test ban.)’