Mistakes galore in Gore’s climate change marathon: Gore connected Hurricane Sandy and other tropical cyclones with global warming caused by human-induced greenhouse gas emissions’
No increase in droughts despite ‘global warming’: ‘There has been little change in droughts over past 60 years, when CO2 emissions increased rapidly’
New Nature paper out today ‘Little change in global drought over the past 60 years’
WUWT-TV’s answer to Al Gore’s ‘Dirty Weather Report’ is ON THE AIR — Watch Climate Depot’s Morano for a full hour at 8am EST Thurs
Gore: The connection between CO2 and extreme weather is ‘absolutely’ as clear as the connection between smoking and cancer
Gore is hearing voices about CO2-induced bad weather: ‘Mother Nature is speaking very loudly and clearly’
Analysis: ‘Carbon Tax Will Kill The Economy, Boost Inflation’ — ‘Goods and services would simply be made to cost more’
Rebuttal to Obama’s claims: ‘Temperatures have declined over the last 10 years, and the US is experiencing the longest period without a major hurricane strike in 150 years’
Grist Mag.: ‘There’s not gonna be a carbon tax’: ‘So let’s be clear: It’s not going to happen’
President Obama claim: ‘What we do know is the temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted even 10 years ago’