Meteorologist Bastardi: ‘So Mr president, How can [temps] be rising faster than forecasted, if its not rising at all, unless it was being forecasted to fall, which it was not’
Warmist Suzanne Goldenberg gets all excited over Obama’s lukewarm words on global warming, forgetting the much stronger lip service he offered on the same subject just after 2008 election
Slate Mag upset at Obama on climate change: Carbon tax isn’t going to happen: ‘He made it plain that isn’t about to change in his second term’
Warmist Kevin Anderson weighs in again: our best and possibly only hope for survival is an economic crash, or at least a planned ‘recession’
New paper finds the highest storm activity is associated with cold periods: Published in Nature Geoscience
Anti-science left-wing film studies and design major Ken Burns: Carbon dioxide causes cold weather; on global warming ‘there’s no scientific debate’