Time mag on global cooling in 1974: It’s been happening for 3 decades; it shows no signs of reversing; it’s causing bizarre and unpredictable weather, including drought in Africa;
Plankton Not At Risk From Ocean Acidification Experts Find – Another IPCC Prediction Drowns In The Facts
New paper finds global warming weakens South American monsoons — Paper published in Climate of the Past
New paper finds no evidence of increased humidity in US, contradicts global warming theory — Published in Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
New email release from U Arizona reveals Mann’s changing story on the Hockey Stick as icon of climate debate
North America is the fastest-growing energy production region in the world
New paper finds tropical Atlantic temperatures were up to 2.5C warmer 500-1000 years ago
Penn State’s Michael Mann Demands Apology From CEI: ‘The letter also threatens that they ‘intend to pursue all appropriate legal remedies on behalf of Dr. Mann’
Romney and Obama avoid the climate change elephant: ‘Next week’s Republican convention will highlight – by its omission – how toxic climate change has become in the US’
Michael Mann says lawsuit against National Review is on! Climate Depot responds to Mann and his lawyer’s claims about the Hockey Stick & Climategate
Climate Depot Editorial Climategate figure and Penn State Professor Michael Mann is threatening to sue National Review for a critical article of Mann and his now infamous “Hockey Stick” temperature graph of Northern Hemisphere temperatures claiming to show unprecedented 20th century warming. See: National Review Responds to Michael Mann’s lawsuit threat: ‘Get Lost!’ & […]