No Global Warming For 15 Years: ‘We are at point where temp standstill is becoming dominant feature of post-1980 warming…it cannot be dismissed as being unimportant even when viewed over 30 years’
Strong Tornadoes Peaked During The Ice Age Scare Years: ‘Strong tornadoes peaked during global cooling years of early 1970s,and then bottomed as the climate warmed’
Obama Looking To Make The US A Third World Country: ‘Obama believes that US made CO2 is evil, but Asian CO2 is OK’ — ‘Canada will send oil to Asia even if Keystone XL pipeline proceeds’
Nature Conservancy chief scientist admits ‘data simply do not support idea of a fragile nature at risk of collapse’ –demise of formerly abundant species can be inconsequential to ecosystem function’
Vested interests drive climate change: ‘All of these groups & orgs in first instance take their lead from, & support views of, IPCC’
NASA’s Hansen tells Slovenia not to build a power plant: ‘We are to believe Dr. Hansen is writing as a private citizen & not as a NASA Dir. Otherwise it would not be within govt policy. Got it?’
Author of ‘worst climate story ever’: NYT’s Justin Gillis reveals why he produces ‘journalism colored with a heavy tinge of yellow’
Obama EPA enacts cap-and-trade agenda: ‘No new power plant will be allowed to emit more than 1,000 pounds of CO2 per megawatt of electricity produced’