Der Spiegel: German Scientist: ‘I Feel Duped on Climate Change…The climate catastrophe is not occurring’ — ‘Dozens of Solar Researchers Agree with Me’
Climate change induced jellyfish blooms debunked! ‘New study has found claims of a jellyfish plague are scientifically unsubstantiated’
New study: ‘A significant measure of negative feedback to global warming’ — It is little wonder that rate of global temp rise during this period has been so paltry!’
Update: New peer-reviewed study concludes 20th century warming was ‘within the range of natural variability over the last 12 centuries’
Just Released NOAA Data Shows January Temperatures Cooling At -17.3°F/Century Rate; U.S. At -4.1°F/Century Rate
Fmr. Harvard U. Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl Praises Santorum’s skeptical climate view: ‘I would subscribe every letter Santorum has said’ (Video clip of Santorum’s views)
New film targets kids: EPA partners with tree-hugging Dr. Seuss character who ‘speaks for the trees and fights rampant industrialism’
Prof. Judith Curry declares ‘Its time to abandon the concept of consensus’ — ‘Courtesy of CRU emails, we now understand the sausage making that went into creating the consensus’