James Hansen El Nino Update: ‘The world’s ‘top rated’ climatologist’s failure rate continues at close to 100%. He forecast a strong El Nino this year’
‘Wildly Incompetent NASA Scientists Blame Glacial Retreat On Humans’: ‘There is overwhelming evidence that rapid glacial retreat has been happening in N. America for almost 250 years’
Yale says Michael Mann’s discredited ‘hockey stick’ should continue to be used as a ‘particularly effective climate graphic’
2011: Coldest Arctic Start To Autumn Since 1996: ‘The early and fast start to winter in the Arctic is due to cold temperatures not seen since 1996’
1951 Scientific Consensus: Globe Warming – Glaciers Melting – Arctic Warming Dramatically – Lakes Drying Up – Sun Blamed
Healing the planet is complicated: Lawyers raked in millions of dollars through insane attempt by politicians to prevent tornadoes by backing a money-losing solar company