Climate Audit’s McIntyre responds: ‘This characterization of Climate Audit & other critical climate blogs (WUWT, Jeff Id, Lucia, Bishop Hill) is total fantasy on the part of climate science community’
No Joke! Former UN head Kofi Annan offers his #1 tip to prevent bad weather caused by global warming: ‘Watch less TV’
Another Warmist yearns for the ‘freedom’ of a dictatorship: Praises China’s ability to ‘act decisively’ without restraint of democracy!
Physicist Mocks: Nature Climate Change journal: A new useless journal hyping a collapsing movement
EPA’s faith-based agitprop: Global-warming zealots seek new recruits — Obama administration is re-embracing faith-based initiatives – with a twist’
Gore of no help! Apple named ‘least green’ tech company — Despite fact that Gore is on Board of Directors!