Earth Day Dissent: ‘The day set aside to save the planet has become a second Halloween where we fear imaginary planetary ghouls and goblins’
Reuters: ‘If the environmental movement has a high holiday, Earth Day is it’
Earth Day Dissent: ‘Environmentalism is devoted to the collapse of every scientific and technological advance of past century, along with the capitalist system that made them possible’
Earth Day instead of Easter? Warning of a ‘pagan takeover of Easter’: ‘Catholics concerned with attempt by environmentalists to hijack Easter for their own Earth Day purposes’
Obama jabs ‘climate change deniers’
‘The lack of warming has caused much of the global warming community to cross the line into blatant fraud. Cold is not caused by heat or lack of ice…’
Clueless New IPCC Policy Ignores Advocacy Literature
Church leader likens inaction on global warming to crucifying Christ!