Climate votes promise to echo on stump
EPA showdown set Wed! Sen. Reid Might Be Forced to Deal With His EPA Problem — ‘Efforts to price greenhouse-gas emissions collapsed in Senate last year’
‘Green Energy Economy Reconsidered’: ‘The last we saw such an economy was in the 13th century…Renewable energy is quite literally the energy of yesterday’
NASA’s Hansen: It Is Your Eyes That Are Lying, Not Me — Claims ‘world really is actually heating out of control’
[Un] Scientific American: Trees Which Take Hundreds Of Years To Grow Have Taken Over Alaska During The Last 30 Years
‘Al Gore’s seawater swindle’: ‘Latest report shows oceans are not rising — ‘Our analyses do not indicate acceleration in sea level in U.S. tide gauge records during 20th century’
EU to Ban All Cars From European Cities
Should we divert planes in an attempt to prevent bad weather? ‘Aircraft condensation trails may be warming planet…more than CO2 emitted by all planes since Wright Brothers’ first flight in 1903′
MSU sociology prof Thomas Dietz, calls for ‘carbon labeling’ of consumer goods to ‘help make better environmentally friendly choices’[email protected]
‘Wrongology’: ‘27,451 forecasts by 284 academics and pundits from 1980s were examined — ‘Experts bombed’ ‘They could barely eke out a tie with the proverbial dart-throwing chimps’