Australia’s top earth scientist: ‘A high CO2 content brings prosperity and lengthens your life’

‘The IPCC process is related to environmental activism, politics and opportunism’

Article Excerpt from The Australian – By Jamie Walker – April 18, 2009 – Full Article here:

Prize-winning Geologist Dr. Ian Plimer of the University of Adelaide’s school of environmental sciences, is also an emeritus professor of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne and the author of seven books and 120 scholarly papers. Plimer’s latest book is titled: Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science

Article Excerpt: IAN Plimer calls himself an old-fashioned scientist. That means you question what others won’t. You marry yourself to the data; you buck the received wisdom and political correctness of your colleagues. When it comes to climate change, you say: “I was trained to be sceptical.” […]

“The science is now based on consensus, and we have thousands of scientists who have got everything to gain by saying the world is going to end. We have lost the tie to evidence. So I make great comparison … between the way creationists operate and the way some of the rabid environmentalists and global warmers operate. The parallels are quite similar.”

Plimer reserves his sharpest criticism for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which has driven the international debate. Very much for the worse, in the professor’s judgment. “The IPCC process is related to environmental activism, politics and opportunism,” he writes in Heaven and Earth.

Plimer argues that the IPCC is dominated by atmospheric scientists, who in turn are obsessed by carbon dioxide emissions, skewing the process. The problems are compounded by primitive computer modelling. He reviewed five computer predictions of climate made in 2000, underpinning IPCC findings, and found there was no relationship between predicted future temperature and actual measured temperature even during a short period. Ditto for a link between temperature and the atmospheric CO2 content.

“To get a complete view of the planet, you need to have far more than atmospheric scientists on the IPCC,” Plimer says. “What they have done is separate the atmosphere from the way the world works … you need solar physicists, you need cosmologists, you need astronomers, you need geologists, bacterial specialists and on you go … we don’t hear anything about those things from the IPCC.”

But what about this ice age business? How does that square with melting polar ice, rising sea levels and 40C summers in northern Europe? Well, taking the last point first, Plimer says none of the temperature variations in the 20th century was outside the range of normal variability. There was alarm in the 1970s that the decreasing temperature was heralding another ice age, he says. After 1976, when temperatures started to rise again, the clamour broke out over the greenhouse effect and global warming. Yet since 1998 temperatures have been falling, to profound scientific silence, he says. “It is not possible to make computer model forecasts of climate change for the year 2040, 2100 or 2300 based on a few decades of data,” he says. […]

Australia’s top earth scientist has inserted a typically discordant note into the chorus. In his latest book, Heaven and Earth, Plimer sets out the “missing science” of climate change and challenges the assumption that the world’s warming is down to human activity. Far from heating up to dangerous levels, the planet is in a lull in an ice age that began 37million years ago, he says.
True, the climate is changing within these cyclical parameters, but less dramatically than it has at other times in Earth’s history and with none of the catastrophic consequences talked up by the doom-and-gloom merchants. “There is always change going on,” he tells Inquirer. “I don’t dispute that. The extent and origin of it are another matter.”

Plimer puts forward the case, in 485 closely argued pages, that far too much emphasis has been given to the level of atmospheric carbondioxide in the scientific modelling of climate change.
Contrary to what the Prime Minister may say in spruiking the carbon pollution reduction scheme, Plimer’s position is that CO2 is not a pollutant but a necessity of life. For a start, it is food for plants. “Global warming and a high CO2 content bring prosperity and lengthen your life … without CO2 there would be no complex life on Earth,” he writes.

While an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide theoretically may contribute to temperature rise, Plimer says there is no evidence to show this and plenty of proof, if you choose to look for it, to the contrary. […]

Plimer knows a thing or two about taking on powerful interests. He is not a man to be dismissed easily; his impressive academic and publishing record attests to that.
In addition to his day job at the University of Adelaide’s school of environmental sciences, he is emeritus professor of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne and the author of seven books and 120 scholarly papers. He is Australia’s best-known academic geologist and certainly one of the most outspoken.

Full article from the Australian here:

Dr. Plimer is also featured in the U.S. Senate Report of more than 700 International Scientists Dissenting on Warming Claims. See page 152 of the report here:

