Obama to regulate ‘pollutant’ CO2
Shock Rasmussen Poll: Only 34% Now Blame Humans for Global Warming – ‘Lowest finding yet’ — ‘reversal from a year ago!’
FOI Request of EPA: Seeks ‘Evidence that CO2 is harmful to the environment’
IPCC Scientist says UN’s function ‘is to provide an appearance of scientific justification for political policies’
Analysis: Why there can be no temperature increasing greenhouse effect in our open atmosphere
Study: ‘Current trend of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations not from mankind but due to natural factors’
6 billion humans too many? ‘If we had 100 million people on Earth – or better, 10 million – no others would be a problem’
Schwarzenegger: Ruling will lead to ‘a healthier future for our children and our planet’
Russian sea captain in Antarctic: ‘I see just more and more ice, not less ice’ – 1st time in 15 years vessels blocked by ice
Clamor for ‘Green TEA party’