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Warmists seek K-12 ban on book challenging global warming

By PAUL BEDARD  • 4/4/17 6:00 PM

Three prominent House liberals have called for what amounts to a mass burning of books and DVDs that question global warming and sent to 200,000 K-12 teachers, a ban rejected as an “April Fool’s joke” by the science institute that provided the materials for free.

“Is this a belated April Fool’s Day joke? If not, it should be. This is hilarious,” said Joseph Bast, president of the Heartland Institute.

The liberal cleansing effort, led by three House Democrats, claimed the Heartland book and DVD, Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming, are full of “lies” to protect corporate polluters.

“Lying to children about the world we live in to further corporate polluter profits is cruel,” Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva said in a release also signed by Reps. Bobby Scott, of Virginia, and Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas. Scott is the top Democrat on the Committee on Education and the Workforce, Grijalva the ranking member on the Committee on Natural Resources, and Johnson of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology.

Theirs is the latest effort by liberals to kill any scientific doubt about global warming, climate change, and man’s role in it.
