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When Obama made the UN Paris climate agreement end run By Chris Horner  Recently, conservatives have called on President Trump to transmit the Paris climate agreement to the Senate as a treaty requiring “advice and consent” before it can in any way bind the United States, which Paris on its face so clearly is with its promises of adding ever-tightening regulations every five years, in perpetuity. Doing so would restore […]

Wash Post features Sen. Whitehouse dissing Obama’s ‘nothing’ climate legacy: ‘After 8 years, we were left with nothing. No statute, no regulation, no treaty’ – Paper warns Biden ‘won’t have a day to waste’ “Folks, we’re in a crisis,” Biden said Saturday in announcing a diverse team of advisers focused on the problem. “Just like we need a unified national response to covid-19, we need a unified national response to climate change. We need to meet this moment with the urgency it demands.” For Biden, the relentless […]

Trump Dept of Energy Redefines the Meaning of ‘Showerhead’ – Ensures they ‘provide enough water for quality showers’ By Craig Bannister A Final Rule issued by the Department of Energy (DOE) redefines “showerhead” in a manner that “ensures access to showerheads that can provide enough water for quality showers,” the DOE announced Tuesday. Today’s change will allow manufacturers to offer consumers new products that can provide more water and more comfort,” the […]

‘It’s beyond catastrophic’: John Kerry Admits UN Paris Climate PACT Does NOTHING for ‘Climate Change’ – ‘Even if we did everything that was promised in Paris, the earth’s temps still going to rise’ Former Secretary of State John Kerry admitted this week that the U.S.’s participation in global climate change initiatives, such as the Paris Climate Accord, would not bring down the world’s temperature. Kerry suggested that electing Democrat Joe Biden is not enough to move the country in the right direction, especially when it comes to global warming. “We’re in trouble – […]

Associated Press: Five years on, signs that Paris climate accord is working: CO2 emissions ‘barely rose globally from 2018 to 2019, then dropped 7% this year because of the pandemic, although it’ll likely rise again’ By SETH BORENSTEIN and FRANK JORDANS Excerpt: The forecast for global warming is looking a little less bleak in the long term, but not so rosy in the short term. With numerous countries pledging to clean up their act and projected temperature rises now smaller than they once were, scientists and diplomats say the outlook […]

Trump Urged to Send the Paris Climate Treaty to the Senate By Paul Driessen Article II, Section 2 of the US Constitution is simple and direct: “The President … shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.” It served America well for 225 years. Then, in 2015, the UN’s “international […]

Trump appoints NOAA climate skeptic to panel selecting National Medal of Science winners BY REBECCA BEITSCH The White House is appointing David Legates, a top administration official with a history of questioning humans’ influence on global warming, to the committee responsible for selecting the National Medal of Science winners. Legates joined the administration in September and now serves as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration deputy assistant secretary of […]

Steve Milloy: ‘How to Stop the Paris Climate Accord’ – ‘Trump could stop it from having any binding legal power’ by submitting to Senate for a vote By Steve Milloy Joe Biden has promised to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord on day one, but President Trump could stop it from having any binding legal power. President Obama signed on to the international agreement by executive action in 2015, which meant Mr. Trump could withdraw from it the same way, as he […]

Trump can save lives in Africa by reversing Obama’s anti-coal policy by Kathleen Hartnett White & Caleb Rossiter With a simple executive order reversing an Obama-era ban on exports of our clean coal technology, President Trump can save up to 439,000 lives a year. That’s the number of Africans whom the World Health Organization estimates die from indoor air pollution because they have to rely […]

Trump features Climate Hustle 2 & Morano’s quote on Trump’s ‘energy dominance’ Trump features Climate Hustle 2 Black Friday Sale 20% Off! Friend, Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy is 20% off for Black Friday! Just enter promo code NOV20. Last week President Trump featured CFACT’s groundbreaking feature film on Facebook and Twitter following an appearance by Marc Morano on Fox and Friends. Marc was discussing […]