Flashback 2010: NYT Cites Morano on warmist film depicting skeptical kids being blown up: ‘This (the Spattergate film) is warmists expressing their frustrations’
Clueless: Splattergate filmmaker quite giddy before release
Splattergate: Exploding Children in Eco-Group’s Video Fails to Upset Liberal News Media — TV news media, with exception of Fox News, haven’t reported on it’
Splattergate Reaction From Germany: Film is ‘a manual for climate terrorism’
Flashback 2006: Ad shows ‘global warming’ train about to kill a young girl
Warmist Jo Abbess accused of ‘hollow’ outrage over Splattergate: Abbess features ‘Send a Sceptic to Siberia’ link
Climate Activist Defends Splattergate: ‘Why Climate Change Deniers Should Be Blown To Bits!’ — ‘What is offensive is that we still entertain climate deniers’
Warmist Jo Abbess upset at Splattergate: ‘So much for decades of trying to convince people that green movement isn’t all about world domination through domestic fascism and mind control’
Environmentalists stay mostly quiet about violent Splattergate film: ‘Want us to believe that only people who are concerned about it are those in pay of big oil’
NY Times: ‘Marc Morano, who runs the blog Climate Depot, named the controversy over the video ‘Splattergate’ [Note: I linked to Richard North dubbing it Splattergate]