Gore snubbed by Hollywood as ‘climate turkey sequel’ misses out on Oscar nod – Climate Depot Responds
Hollywood freezes Gore out https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jan/23/al-gore-snubbed-hollywood-inconvenient-sequel-miss/ By Valerie Richardson – The Washington Times – Tuesday, January 23, 2018 Al Gore may need some ice for that burn after the Academy Awards on Tuesday snubbed his climate-change documentary “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.” The 2017 film failed to pick up an Academy Award nomination for Best Documentary Feature, ending a disappointing […]
Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Sequel’ lands on Oscar shortlist despite disputed climate science – Washington Times features Climate Depot’s rebuttal
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/dec/9/al-gores-inconvenient-sequel-lands-oscar-shortlist/ By Valerie Richardson – The Washington Times – Saturday, December 9, 2017 Al Gore’s sequel to “An Inconvenient Truth” has ended up on the shortlist for Oscar consideration despite questions about its credibility raised by challenges to some of its climate-change claims. “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” was among the 15 films included […]
Claim: Gore’s sequel ‘exposes the big flaw’ in movie ratings
Vegans upset at Gore’s sequel: ‘Overlooked animal agriculture’s giant contribution to global warming’
Al Gore Outsold On Kindle By An E-Book Debunking ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’
‘Three big weaknesses’ Source: Al Gore Outsold On Kindle By An E-Book Debunking ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’
‘Fat healthy’ polar bears: The ‘death of a climate icon’: ‘Even Al Gore seems to have forgotten to include the plight of polar bears in’ sequel
DEATH OF A CLIMATE ICON Date: 31/08/17 Susan Crockford, GWPF TV Since the start of this century, the polar bear has been the icon of human-caused global warming. But now the polar bear as poster child of catastrophic global warming is dead. In years past, the polar bear was routinely featured in public discussions about the […]
Al Gore’s sequel drops 75% in weekend box office take, just 4% of earnings from 2006 original
By Anthony Watts / Apparently Gore’s climate doom message just isn’t that popular anymore, even with a “climate caused” hurricane hitting the USA this weekend. Now in it’s 5th week (4 weeks in wide release, the premier was only a handful of theaters) An Inconvenient Sequel dropped 74.6% over the weekend as reported by Box Office Mojo: It must be […]
Theaters ‘self-sacrifice’ to boost Gore as his sequel shows to empty theaters — May rank ‘among worst per theater avgs’
Via: http://missliberty.com/theaters-self-sacrifice-boost-gores-inconvenient-sequel/ Theaters Self-Sacrifice To Boost Gore’s Inconvenient Sequel On Tuesday (8/22), sales for Al Gore’s Inconvenient Sequel hit an hilarious new low of $117/theater. The financial self-sacrifice that theaters are now making to support it must go down as one of the greatest acts of generosity in cinematic history. Per Box Office Mojo, Inconvenient Sequel had a couple of […]
Skeptic Book Debunking Gore’s Sequel Outselling Gore’s Sequel Book on Amazon
Skeptic Beating Al Gore on Amazon August 24th, 2017 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. Al Gore’s new movie, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, has been in theaters for about a month now, and has received rather tepid reviews. The Kindle e-book version of Gore’s movie, despite being very colorful, has been doing even worse and is […]
Fact-Checking & Review of Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’ – Official Gore Sequel Rebuttal – Special Report
A Climate Depot Special Report Former Vice President Al Gore’s new global warming film, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power,” opened to tepid and worse reviews by many climate activists who are sympathetic to the climate cause. The film has tanked at the box office. See: ‘A box office dud’ – Gore Finds Stormy Climate as ‘An […]