‘Rich Countries’ Climate Policies Are Colonialism in Green’ – ‘Once again, the rich world sees Africans as a threat to the planet’
“Africa’s economic and energy ambitions are not going to ruin the West’s climate plans. Cutting off financing for gas to the world’s poorest nations is unfair and inhumane.” Once again, the rich world sees Africans as a threat to the planet. https://t.co/l2zK2oqkdW — The Honest Broker (@RogerPielkeJr) December 6, 2021 https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/12/06/africa-climate-emissions-energy-renewable-gas-oil-coal/ By Todd Moss, the executive […]
Michael Mann rips Morano as ‘fossil fuel-funded climate inactivist’
Fossil fuel-funded climate inactivists like Marc Morano LOVE the specious framing that no progress was made at #COP26 and that no progress can EVER be made through multilateral international negotiations. It's a gift straight out of the #NewClimateWar (https://t.co/UWSpGOAkEC) pic.twitter.com/8P1m6KZmU1 — Prof Michael E. Mann (@MichaelEMann) November 17, 2021 Prof Michael E. Mann @MichaelEMann Fossil […]
Indian PM slams ‘COLONIAL MINDSET’ of Western Leaders threatening India’s growth prospects in the name of Climate
Big breaking: Indian PM slams "COLONIAL MINDSET" of Western Leaders – threatening India's growth prospects in the name of Climate@AlexEpstein @ShellenbergerMD @BjornLomborg @JunkScience @ClimateDepot @ClimateRealists @EcoSenseNow @pwrhungry @ezralevant https://t.co/p1oVYm6Wnn — Vijay (@VijayJayaraj_CC) November 26, 2021 https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/pm-modi-in-the-name-of-environment-various-pressures-created-on-india-all-this-is-result-of-colonial-mentality-2626202#pfrom=home-ndtv_bigstory Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a swipe at developed nations that have been trying to persuade India to cut […]
UN COP26: Boosting China & CO2, Advancing Globalist Lockdown
https://thenewamerican.com/un-cop26-boosting-china-co2-advancing-globalist-lockdown/ by Alex Newman The big news out of the latest United Nations climate summit is that the Biden administration agreed to further decimate the U.S. economy and force America to become even more dependent on Communist Chinese “green” industries. This will boost Beijing’s power and global CO2 emissions as more Western industry moves to China, […]
COP FLOP: None of UN’s criteria for climate summit success none were achieved
https://nationalinterest.org/feature/cop26-climate-action-remains-hostage-national-interests-196755 At COP26, Climate Action Remains Hostage to National Interests Hopes that climate issues will transcend strategic issues, rather than be shaped by them, seems a nonstarter. Whatever the topic, the touchstone for responsible and realistic policy across the globe remains the national interest. by William R. Hawkins That the United Nations Climate Change Conference of […]
Listen: Morano on Sheila Zilinsky’s show discusses climate lockdowns & UN climate summit
RealSheilaZ Published November 20, 2021 Marc Morano joins Sheila on a wrap of UN Climate Conference COP 26 in Glasgow, Scotland. https://www.climatedepot.com All of Sheila’s content is completely, 100%, viewer supported and funded. Thank you for your kindness to keep information like this coming. HOW TO GIVE: https://sheilazilinsky.com/donate/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sheilazilinsky
Listen: Morano on The Joe Piscopo Show details the good news about the failure of the UN climate summit in Scotland
The Real Problem with COP26: Not Its Hypocrisy but Its Goals
https://newideal.aynrand.org/the-real-problem-with-cop26-not-its-hypocrisy-but-its-goals/?utm_campaign=New%20Ideal&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=183174008&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_ea_gATflR5leeO1n-7DQlAEZt1lP92Iw78wgzn31_4JreGExRaZX9IMdTxpfxHSwN-pOOImkbRC_J_SvaRRSLQT40OA&utm_content=183174008&utm_source=hs_email The predictable hypocrisy on display at COP26 ironically underscores the crucial role that fossil fuels play in all human activities. By Keith Lockitch The COP26 climate conference is drawing to a close this week in Glasgow. The annual spectacle of thirty thousand people converging from around the world for a massive energy-intensive extravaganza — complete with politicians […]
U.S. Oil Producer To Biden: Don’t Ask OPEC To Increase Production-ASK US! – A Year Ago America Was An Oil Exporter
https://lidblog.com/dont-ask-opec/ by Jeff Dunetz With energy prices spiking, President Biden went to OPEC and asked them to produce more oil. American energy companies tell Biden he can get the oil cheaper and faster by removing restrictions and asking American companies to produce more oil. In 2020 the last year of the Trump presidency, the American economy […]
Home go ‘net zero’?! Steve Milloy reponds: ‘There is no such thing as a ‘net zero’ home or a ‘net zero’ existence. But there is plenty of ‘not zero net zero’ virtue signaling’
There is no such thing as a 'net zero' home or a 'net zero' existence. But there is plenty of 'not zero net zero' virtue signaling.https://t.co/zmNSh1De4U — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) November 16, 2021