Dr. John Clauser, the 2022 Nobel Prize-winning physicist will join other climate skeptics to counter Pope Francis’s climate claims

https://www.churchmilitant.com/dof For Immediate Release Nov. 14, 2023Contact: Trey [email protected] Deposit of Faith CoalitionCHALLENGING CLIMATE CLAIMS Religious Left “baptizing” climate change to increase political power Using climate agenda to destroy families and the middle class Washington — The Religious Left has become an invaluable ally to the global cabal, to the World Economic Forum, the United […]

As plausible as UN pact or EPA climate regs impacting climate: Louis Vuitton fires, then hires shaman to prevent rain at fashion show – & ‘it didn’t rain until after the show finished!’

https://pagesix.com/2018/06/01/louis-vuitton-hired-a-shaman-to-stop-the-rain-for-fashion-show/ Facebook Twitter Google Email Copy EXCLUSIVE Louis Vuitton hired a shaman to stop the rain for fashion show By Ian Mohr June 1, 2018 | 8:54pm Modal Trigger Shutterstock Luxury brand Louis Vuitton hired a shaman to prevent rain from marring the brand’s recent over-the-top show in the south of France. Sources tell Page […]