For Immediate Release Nov. 14, 2023
Contact: Trey Brock
[email protected]
Deposit of Faith Coalition
Religious Left “baptizing” climate change to increase political power
Using climate agenda to destroy families and the middle class
Washington — The Religious Left has become an invaluable ally to the global cabal, to the World Economic Forum, the United Nations and the World Health Organization, in pushing the man-made climate change narrative. But now, the cabal — which includes many leaders of the Catholic Church — is being challenged.
Recently, Pope Francis lauded the American bishops for their collective stance on climate change, and government efforts pretending to control temperature patterns (which invariably come about by stripping away citizens’ freedoms and economic rights).
Billions in government money as well as collection-plate donations pass from religious leaders to the global-warming lobby, under the guise of “good stewardship of creation” and “social justice.”
But now, political and religious conservatives are joining forces with scientists and climate experts to expose the fraud and misinformation aimed at weakening the American economy and, ultimately, undermining families, making more and more people dependent on Washington.
The Deposit of Faith Coalition will be hosting a press conference at the Four Seasons Hotel Baltimore on Nov. 14, 2023, from 1–3 p.m. to coincide with the annual meeting of the U.S. bishops.
The press conference will feature expert speakers on various aspects of the agenda, including a Nobel Prize winner and leading authorities who know the actual science.
The coalition is challenging the largely Democratic narrative as Campaign ’24 dawns. Religious leaders tout the Democrats’ climate record as “justification” for supporting the Party of Death — but it’s all a lie.
Press conference topics and the associated speakers are as follows:
Good News: There Is No Climate Crisis
Dr. John Clauser, 2022 Nobel Prize laureate in physics
The Intentional Collapse of Our Energy, Transportation and Food Supply
Marc Morano, founder of
The Weaponization of Religion to Push Climate Hysteria
Alex Newman, award-winning international journalist
Enemies of the Republic
Michael Voris, multiple Emmy Award-winning investigative journalist
For more detailed information, please visit
Alert! Dr. John Clauser, 2022 Nobel Prize laureate in physics will join other climate skeptics to counter Pope Francis climate claims – Scheduled a press conference at the Four Seasons Hotel Baltimore on Nov. 14, 2023, from 1–3 p.m.
— Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) November 2, 2023
Speakers at the press conference will include…