Claim: ‘Tom Steyer spends big to save the earth and for redemption’
Watch Now: Morano on Fox slams ‘atrocious’ climate report by Tom Steyer, Paulson & Bloomberg. Morano on ‘risky business’ report: ‘What they have done is a bunch of fortune telling with models’
Related Links: Billionaire Obama adviser Tom Steyer: Punish companies that ignore climate change – The hammer should come down: “We need to reward people whose behavior reduces climate risk and penalize people who add to it,” said Thomas Steyer, a former hedge fund manager and environmentalist who is a major player and funder of climate change […]
‘Mother Jones’ Reporter Calls Out Harry Reid’s ‘Almost McCarthyite’ Koch Brothers Rhetoric
Three Pinocchios for Harry Reid’s claim that the Koch brothers are ‘one of the main causes’ of climate change
Summary of the use of ‘denier’ in Senate Dems all-night warmathon
Via: From Stephen Rasey in a comment about the congressional record from the Senate all-nighter: ============================================================== This is a first pass summary of the use of “denier” in the March 10-11 Senate Climate Change Transcript. CR_Page , CR_Speaker _, CR_Text S1378 __, REID ________, climate change deniers still exist. S1378 __, REID ________, the deniers. S1379 __, SCHUMER _____, deniers […]
Network News Uncritically Hypes Dem ‘All-Nighter’ on Climate: Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid called global warming action a ‘question of our own survival’
Harry Reid: Climate Deniers ‘Becoming Less Credible’ With Bad Weather – ‘These deniers are, as each day as the weather gets worse, are becoming less credible’