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Nothing Unusual Happening in Climate Change, Over 40 New Scientific Papers Confirm

by JAMES DELINGPOLE26 Mar 2018 The scare about global warming is overdone, according to more than 40 scientific papers published in just the first three months of 2018. What their charts clearly show is that “nothing climatically unusual is happening.” In the chart below from a study by Polovodova et al, we see that 20th century warming is perfectly […]

Uncertainty Mounts…Global Temperature Data Presentation ‘Flat Wrong’, New Danish Findings Show By P Gosselin on 23. March 2018 Brand new scientific findings in a just published paper by Lansner and Pepke Pedersen appearing in the journal of Energy and Environment cast global warming science into more uncertainty. The findings tell us that ocean cycles and their impacts have not been adequately accounted for in computing global temperatures. BEST approach “flat wrong” The […]

REPORT: Global Temperature Datasets ‘are not a valid representation of reality’

By Paul Homewood   I missed this report at the time, but it is a comprehensive account of how large scale adjustments of temperatures have made global temperature datasets virtually worthless. ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to test the hypothesis that Global Average Surface Temperature (GAST) data, produced by NOAA, […]

Despite the ongoing increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases, the global mean surface temperature (GMST) has remained rather steady and has even decreased.

Despite rising CO2, the global mean surface temperature has remained rather steady and has even decreased by Geoff Brown / Yesterday, 17:28 Although it is obvious from data that there has been a 20 year plateau in global warming even as atmospheric CO2 keeps rising; the denying alarmists keep trying to hide the hiatus. […]

Global Temperatures Drop Back To Pre-El Nino Levels – ‘Temps drop to levels not seen in six years’

Global Temperatures Drop Back To Pre-El Nino Levels The onset of La Niña in the tropical Pacific Ocean has caused temperatures drop to levels not seen in six years, according to satellite temperature data. “Note that La Niña cooling in the tropics has finally penetrated the troposphere, with a -0.12 deg. C departure from […]

The planet continues to cool after an El Niño induced string of warm years

The planet continues to cool after an El Niño induced string of warm years From Dr. Roy Spencer: UAH Global Temperature Update for January, 2018: +0.26 deg. C Coolest tropics since June, 2012 at -0.12 deg. C. The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for January, 2018 was +0.26 deg. C, […]

Al Gore would have lost global warming bet, academic says

By Maxim Lott | Fox News Al Gore is lucky he isn’t a betting man. In 2007, Professor Scott Armstrong at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton business school challenged Al Gore to a $10,000 bet about temperatures over the next decade. Fox News reported on the challenge at the time. The bet proposal was to compare the […]

BBC Gets It Wrong Again On Global Warming

By Paul Homewood   The BBC are up to their tricks again!   London, 24 January: The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) has lodged a new complaint to the BBC about its misleading reporting on global warming. The BBC’s News at Ten programme on the 18th of January 2018 contained two factual errors in its […]