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Japan: The precautionary principle killed more people than the Fukushima nuclear disaster By Jo Nova The panicked closure of nuclear power in Japan pushed electricity prices up. The UN agrees that no people died from radiation in the Fukushima event, but the frenzied over-evacuation killed up to 2,000 people. After that, higher electricity prices led to at least 1280 extra deaths in the 21 largest cities. […]

Former NASA scientist/activist James Hansen: ‘It’s time for Bernie Sanders to retire’ for opposing nuclear energy Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t Dr. Willie Soon; Ex NASA GISS Director James Hansen, who kicked off the global warming scare with testimony before Congress in 1988, has attacked Democrat Presidential Wannabe Bernie Sanders for promoting a climate policy which will kill people. Top Climate Scientist to Bernie: You’re Killing People in India At Thursday […]

Warmists turn on fellow warmists: WaPo: ‘Don’t trust Dem candidates who ignore nuclear power’ – ‘A nuclear future would dramatically reduce nearly 70% of existing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions’ By Henry Olsen September 4 Ten Democratic presidential hopefuls gather on Wednesday for a “climate town hall” in which they will lay out their plans to combat climate change. There are two words few of the them — if any — are likely to mention: nuclear power. Voters who take climate change seriously should […]

Chernobyl zombified on HBO — ‘In the real world, nuclear power is safe, efficient, & provides a significant percentage of electricity generation for many countries’ Chernobyl zombified — Watch now CFACT – / by Mark Mathis / 7d In the real world, nuclear power is safe, efficient, and it provides a significant percentage of electricity generation for many countries. The post Chernobyl zombified — Watch nowappeared first on CFACT. SHAREVISIT WEBSITE

Watch: Chernobyl Zombified – HBO mini-series debunked using nuclear energy facts

Mark Mathis – Clear Energy Alliance For list of sources and downloadable transcript:… Script: Have you seen HBO’s mini-series Chernobyl? It’s terrifying, isn’t it? Some of the people with radiation poisoning looked like they came out of a zombie film. And all the talk of Chernobyl turning into a series of atomic bombs worse […]

Nuclear scientist: HBO’s Chernobyl a lesson in sensationalism By Kelvin Kemm |June 19th, 2019|General Information|1 Comment As a nuclear physicist, I can report that HBO’s Chernobyl was sensational fiction inspired by real events, not a factual documentary.  Melting faces makes for riveting television, but is no more realistic than the zombie cannibalism in the Walking Dead. It is vital that viewers understand  that nuclear energy is perhaps […]

Why Advanced Nuclear Reactors May Be Here Sooner Than Many Imagine Advanced nuclear reactors are moving toward commercialization faster and with less government support than many realize. Their smaller size and advances in computing are helping. TED NORDHAUS AND JESSICA LOVERING MAY 24, 2019 The old guard. 702 Over the last several years, there has been growing recognition that nuclear energy is an important climate mitigation […]

Michael Shellenberger: ‘Working together, Brown & Sierra Club killed so many nuclear power plants between 1976 and 1979 that, had they been built, California would today be generating all of its electricity from zero-emissions sources’

By Michael Shellenberger Everybody from Greenpeace to student activist Greta Thunberg to Green New Dealer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) says we have to transition from fossil fuels to renewables in order to save the climate. But if solar and wind are substitutes for fossil fuels, why are the world’s biggest oil and gas firms promoting them? […]

New York Times Pushes Nuclear Power as the Solution to Climate Change

New York Times Pushes Nuclear Power as the Solution to Climate Change Guest essay by Eric Worrall In the face of the utter failure of large investments in renewables to deliver CO2 reductions, greens are increasingly embracing nuclear power as the solution to climate change. Nuclear Power Can Save the World Expanding the technology […]