Wash. Post hypes Rio Summit — Studies timed to scare public — ‘Rio Earth summit nears as scientists warn planet faces grave threats’
Timed for UN Earth Summit in Rio! Report: ‘Earth appears headed toward catastrophic and irreversible environmental changes’ — But Paul Ehrlich says report is ‘too optimistic’
Time for Next Eco-Scare: ‘As the global warming bubble deflates, another scare is being inflated – species extinction’
Quick, pass cap-and-trade! New Scientist: ‘A WARMER world might be a poisoned one’ — ‘Climate change will create a toxic brew for herbivores’
Biodiversity Loss: How Accurate Are The Numbers? Can we tell how many species are becoming extinct? No-one knows how many species exist’
Global warming’s real argument: We’re poorer than you are: ‘The global warming alarmism that has pretty much faded from public concern always has been transparently fraudulent’
Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘Global warming’ relegated to back burner — ‘This is a stunning turnaround from 2006 to 2009’
Time for Next Eco-Scare?! Obama follows lead of green movement and demotes global warming –UN now says case for saving species ‘more powerful than climate change’
Climate Depot Editorial It is not surprising that President Obama is steering clear of any talk or action on global warming. The entire man-made global warming movement lay in shambles as the United Nations attempts to shift to the new environmental cause of biodiversity/species at the upcoming Earth Summit in Rio in June. Climate Depot […]
Flashback 2010: Global Warming Being Thrown Under the Bus as New Replacement Environmental Scare is Sought
Obama Steers Clear on Global Warming: ‘This year? The word ‘climate’ didn’t even get a mention. Gone are the urgent statements warning of melting glaciers and rising sea levels’