Prepare For Climate Change-Related Public Health Scares – New Paper Exposes The Warmists’ Next Mind Games
Time Mag’s Bryan Walsh demotes global warming: ‘Maybe the most pressing enviro problem in the world [is air pollution]
Time warmist Bryan Walsh channels Marc Morano: ‘We’ve heard warnings about imminent environmental collapse before, and they haven’t yet been right’
UN Earth Summit Rebuttal: ‘There is no scientific basis for claims that hundreds or even thousands of species are at risk’
UN is the threat to biodiversity! ‘The greatest threats to species are the very policies and programs being advocated in Rio’
How Climate Change Was Removed From the Agenda of Rio+20 Summit: ‘The UN Durban Climate Conf. ended in almost unqualified failure’
UNEP Warns of New ‘Tipping Points’ Being Reached — ’20-30 years into future…far enough away that it can be forgotten when date approaches & Armageddon hasn’t yet arrived on schedule’
Ahead of Rio summit, U.N. report embraces ‘boundaries’: ‘Planetary boundaries has been seen as a successor to global warming, climate change or biodiversity as a top-level message’
Warming nears point of no return, scientists say: ‘The Earth is reaching a ‘tipping point’ in climate change that will lead to increasingly rapid and irreversible destruction’
Celebrate! More UN failure ahead in Rio! World Wildlife Fund warns: ‘As things currently stand, we are facing two likely scenarios — an agreement so weak it is meaningless, or complete collapse’