‘Climate Journalism Done Right’: The Washington Post Explains The Real Reason for Increasing Billion Dollar Disasters — ‘Disasters are more expensive because there is more to destroy’

https://rogerpielkejr.substack.com/p/climate-journalism-done-right By Roger Pielke Jr. Excerpt: Today, The Washington Post has published a lengthy analysis titled, “The real reason billion-dollar disasters like Hurricane Helene are growing more common.”1 The article, by the Post’s Harry Stevens, is brilliantly done — extensively reported, data rich, grounded in a large body of research, with a wide diversity of voices. […]

If Biden’s federal climate report sounded like it was written by climate activists — it’s because it was! National Climate Assessment authored by left-wing climate groups – ‘Advocacy Capture’


Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.: “I took a close look at the authors of the US National Climate Assessment: Center for American Progress, The Nature Conservancy, Environmental Defense Fund, The Club of Rome, Project Drawdown, Ocean Conservancy, Union of Concerned Scientists, and more and more … Advocacy capture 101.” 

Biden’s National Climate Assessment Links Climate Change To Pandemics & Pathogens

Climate expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.: Biden admin new National Climate Assessment is ‘about political promotion not scientific assessment’ – Report ‘carefully cherrypicks peer-reviewed climate research to construct a political narrative’

Media Ignores Reality – Goes Bonkers Over the Fifth National Climate Assessment Report

Biden Admin’s New Climate Report Touts Use Of ‘Indigenous Knowledge’

Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. slams Biden climate report: It ‘pours fuel on the pathological politicization of climate science’ – ‘More a glossy promotional brochure’ than ‘a careful assessment of the scientific literature’

Biden’s National Climate Assessment Report ‘acknowledges that LGBTQ+ people are more vulnerable to the climate crisis’

Biden’s National Climate Assessment Is The Climate Scare On Steroids – ‘Our overlords are doubling down on end-of-day climate propaganda’

The Fifth National Climate Assessment Report is Driven by Government Deception & Climate Alarmist Politics

The Fifth National Climate Assessment Report is Driven by Government Deception & Climate Alarmist Politics

https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/11/20/the-fifth-national-climate-assessment-report-is-driven-by-government-deception-climate-alarmist-politics/ by Larry Hamlin The U.S. Government recently released the Fifth National Climate Assessment report which falsely claims that: “The climate change signal is “even clearer today than it was five years ago,” Hayhoe said. In the U.S., people across all regions are experiencing hotter temperatures and longer-lasting heat waves, with nighttime and winter temperatures warming the […]

Media Ignores Reality – Goes Bonkers Over the Fifth National Climate Assessment Report

https://climaterealism.com/2023/11/media-ignores-reality-goes-bonkers-over-the-fifth-national-climate-assessment-report/ Editors Note: The White House released their Fifth National Climate Assessment Report  this week, and predictably, the media uncritically parroted some of the wild claims made in the report. For example: CNN claims no place is safe; No place in the US is safe from the climate crisis, but a new report shows where it’s […]

Biden’s National Climate Assessment Is The Climate Scare On Steroids – ‘Our overlords are doubling down on end-of-day climate propaganda’

  Biden’s National Climate Assessment Is The Climate Scare On Steroids BY FRANCIS MENTON In the realm of the climate scare, cognitive dissonance has reached almost impossible levels. Just a few days ago I took note of the ever-increasing focus by environmental NGOs on promoting the climate scare even as the green energy schemes, offered as salvation from the apocalypse, […]

Biden’s National Climate Assessment Report ‘acknowledges that LGBTQ+ people are more vulnerable to the climate crisis’

“Sexual and gender minorities (SGMs) face social, economic, and health disparities and, as a result, experience greater risk of harm from climate change.” – Fifth National Climate Assessment

For the first time, a national climate assessment has included a section dedicated to women’s health and acknowledges that LGBTQ+ people are more vulnerable to the climate crisis. The Fifth National Climate Assessment was released Tuesday by the U.S. Global Change Research Program, a project mandated by Congress that aims to help the public understand climate change impacts. …

In a change from previous assessments, this report paid special attention to how intersecting identities can make certain populations more vulnerable. “If you go back to the earliest National Climate Assessment, that’s super sciency,” Wheeler said. “Very much about climate science, basically about the weather. But we aren’t there right now, we can’t just talk about the weather, we’ve got to talk about social injustices, because that’s where the pain is, right? That’s where the climate crisis is.” …

Through the report, authors made sure to contextualize risk through an intersectional lens, explaining how gender, race and socioeconomic status can exacerbate someone’s vulnerability to the climate crisis.

“Women disproportionately experience the burden of climate change because of unique mental, sexual, and reproductive health needs that intersect with existing social, racial, and economic disparities.” – Fifth National Climate Assessment

“Sexual and gender minorities (SGMs) face social, economic, and health disparities and, as a result, experience greater risk of harm from climate change.” – Fifth National Climate Assessment

Also for the first time, the report explains what the research says around vulnerabilities LGBTQ+ people face due to the climate crisis. Workforce training and equitable access to clean energy jobs, which have tended to exclude women and people of color, are essential elements of a just transition to a decarbonized economy.” – Fifth National Climate Assessment


Environmental Justice a Key Theme Throughout Biden’s National Climate Assessment – The report finds that societal factors, including historic racism, have shaped the climate reality for many communities of color. It also details the impacts of climate change on Indigenous people, public health and agriculture.

Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. slams Biden climate report: It ‘pours fuel on the pathological politicization of climate science’ – ‘More a glossy promotional brochure’ than ‘a careful assessment of the scientific literature’

https://rogerpielkejr.substack.com/p/original-sin Original Sin: The U.S. National Climate Assessment was Off Track from the Start By ROGER PIELKE JR. Excerpt: Over the past few days I have commented on X/Twitter about the just-released Fifth U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA). It is much more a glossy promotional brochure than anything resembling a careful assessment of the scientific literature on […]

Climate expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.: Biden admin new National Climate Assessment is ‘about political promotion not scientific assessment’ – Report ‘carefully cherrypicks peer-reviewed climate research to construct a political narrative’

Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.: “The NCA carefully cherrypicks peer-reviewed climate research to construct a political narrative There’s an entire alternate universe of research that’s ignored Everyone with expertise in climate research can see how obvious this is & even those without expertise can easily see.” …

“The Fifth US National Climate Assessment is out Includes this to justify reliance of RCP8.5: ‘The scenarios do not have relative likelihoods assigned and are all plausible futures.’ This is simply false.” 

Biden Admin’s New Climate Report Touts Use Of ‘Indigenous Knowledge’

https://dailycaller.com/2023/11/15/biden-admins-new-climate-report-touts-indigenous-knowledge/ By ROBERT SCHMAD The Biden administration’s newest report on climate change says it used “indigenous knowledge” to arrive at its findings. The fifth National Climate Assessment incorporated “indigenous knowledge” with scientific literature to assess “the science of climate change and variability and its impacts across the United States.” The report defines indigenous knowledge as “bodies of […]

Biden’s National Climate Assessment Links Climate Change To Pandemics & Pathogens

The Fifth National Climate Assessment report asserts that pandemics will become more likely and worse as the projected effects of climate change set in over time, the combined effects of which “[require] early collective action and systemic change” to avoid or mitigate.

“Climate-driven changes in ecosystems increase the risk of emerging infectious diseases by altering interactions among humans, pathogens and animals and changing social and biological susceptibility to infection,” and particularly heightens “the risk of infection among people at the front lines of exposure, especially those with fewer resources,” the report states.