In most of a quote-rich new interview, occasional warmist darling Richard Muller once again channels Marc Morano — Muller to skeptics: ‘Most of your skepticism is still valid’
Muller: ‘I recall back in 1950s, when I was a kid in NYC, the freak storms and changes in climate were attributed by some eminent scientists to atmospheric nuclear testing. (Maybe the freak storms and changes in climate should now be attributed to the nuclear test ban.)’
Prof. Richard Muller on whether ‘the Arctic melting due to global warming?’ — ‘The evidence for that is very, very flimsy. I’m not even sure it’s true’
Video/Transcript: Anthony Watts on PBS — Climate Change Skeptic Says Global Warming Crowd Oversells Its Message
‘Sunspots do impact climate’: Peer-reviewed results, appearing in several journals, make it difficult to maintain that changes in solar activity play no or an insignificant role in climate change’
Warmist believes skeptics out of scientists since Muller announced his ‘total turnaround’
ABC Environment on Muller: This article…encapsulates all that is wrong with the national broadcaster’s treatment of climate debate’
Richard Muller’s ‘Alleged’ Big-Time Conversion: Was It News or Just Slick P.R.? Media ‘wasted precious time and energy on something that wasn’t news in the first place’