‘How the (New) Hockey Stick Crumbled — A Post-Mortem’ — ‘This appears to be one more in a long series of frauds and hoaxes perpetrated by climate alarmists’
‘Lies, damned lies and hockey sticks’: ‘The exposure of yet another dodgy piece of climate-change alarmism shows the need for serious skepticism’
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Canadian TV on a cold spring & on The Hockey Stick that never was
Climate Audit’s Steve McIntyre: ‘April Fools’ Day for Marcott et al’
ROSS MCKITRICK RIPS THE HOCKEY STICK THAT NEVER WAS: ‘WE’RE NOT SCREWED’ — Study authors ‘quietly admitted their stunning claim about the 20th century ‘hockey stick’ is groundless’
Marcott’s Hockey Stick Mystery: Why Was It Missing In His PhD Thesis? ‘It seems sharp uptick wasn’t in the thesis paper Marcott defended for his PhD, but is in paper submitted to Science’
Ross McKitrick demolishes Marcott hokey stick: 11,000-year study’s 20th-century claim is groundless
https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/were-not-screwed By Ross McKitrick We’re screwed: 11,000 years’ worth of climate data prove it. — The Atlantic, March 10 The modern rise that has recreated the temperatures of 5,000 years ago is occurring at an exceedingly rapid clip on a geological time scale, appearing in graphs in the new paper as a sharp vertical spike. — […]
Robert Rohde, the chief data analyst behind the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project: ‘…we can’t use the analysis of Marcott et al. to draw any firm conclusions about how unique the rapid changes of the twentieth century are compared to the previous 10,000 years’
Robert Rohde, the chief data analyst behind the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project: “…we can’t use the analysis of Marcott et al. to draw any firm conclusions about how unique the rapid changes of the twentieth century are compared to the previous 10,000 years” http://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2013/04/robert-rohde-chief-data-analyst-behind.html Scientists Find an Abrupt Warm Jog After a Very Long […]
Oops. The Hockey Stick That Never Was: Authors admit: ‘The 20th century portion of our paleotemperature stack is not statistically robust, cannot be considered representative of global temperature changes’
Pielke Jr.: (To be absolutely clear, I am not making a point about temperatures of the 20th century, but what can be concluded from the paper about temperatures of the 20th century.) Yet, you might recall that the NSF press release said something quite different: ‘What that [temperature reconstruction] history shows, the researchers say, is that […]
Climate Depot Round Up of Marcott’s Collapsed New Hockey Stick Study — Prof. Pielke Jr. Mocks As The ‘Hockey Stick that never was’
New Climate Scandal Exposed: Will AP & NYT Retract Articles?! ‘Gross misrepresentation of the findings’ of New Hockey Stick Paper – Claimed Hottest temps in 4000 years! Now accused of ‘skirting awfully close to crossing the line into research misconduct’ Retraction Watch for Marcott’s New Hockey Stick study: ‘Given the evidence, will the science community […]