CNN Goes ‘Michael Mann Overboard’ on Eastern U.S. Heatwave – Meteorology researcher issues reality check: ‘There is nothing unprecedented or all that unusual about this heatwave’

CNN Goes ‘Mann Overboard’ on Eastern U.S. Heatwave Editors Note: This guest essay from meteorologist Chris Martz talks about how CNN uncritically reposted statements from embattled climatologist Michael Mann in an interview discussing summer a heat wave that has been forecast for the eastern half of the United States. The media has been promoting heat […]
Debunking claims of ‘Hottest Summer For 2000 Years’

Hottest Summer For 2000 Years? By Paul Homewood This latest story is conclusive evidence that climate “science” has lost all scientific credibility, and is no more than politicized propaganda: The summer of 2023 was the hottest for 2,000 years in the northern hemisphere, according to new Cambridge University analysis. Humanity has not known hotter weather since the […]
Wrong, Mainstream Media, Tree Rings Aren’t Reliable Indicators of Past Temperatures

Wrong, Mainstream Media, Tree Rings Aren’t Reliable Indicators of Past Temperatures By Anthony Watts Dozens of media outlets such as ABC News, The BBC, The New York Times, and many more, hyped a study that claims summer temperatures in 2023 were unprecedented over the past 2000 years. This claim, in fact, can’t be verified by tree ring data, which isn’t that […]
Nature Publication: Researchers Find Arctic Region 10,000 Years Ago Warmer Than Today By P Gosselin on 27. April 2024 Early Holocene was warmer 10,000 years ago…Arctic ice melted. The European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE presents its latest climate video at its Youtube channel. Examined today is a paper appearing in the journal Nature Communications titled: “Seasonal sea-ice in the Arctic’s last ice area during […]
Prof Peter Hotez: ‘In our forthcoming book Science Under Siege, Michael Mann & I report on the growing/troubling alliance between the far right and the health/wellness empire pushing nutritional supplements, fake autism cures, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, making millions’
1/n In our forthcoming book “Science Under Siege” @public_affairs, @MichaelEMann and I report on the growing/troubling alliance between the far right and the health/wellness empire pushing nutritional supplements, fake autism cures, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, making millions — Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD (@PeterHotez) March 23, 2024
A Jury Found Climate Skeptic Mark Steyn Liable For Defamation — Legal Experts Say He Has A Chance To Win On Appeal A Washington, D.C., jury concluded that Mark Steyn — a right-of-center political pundit who referenced a separate blog post comparing climate scientist Michael Mann to serial pedophile Jerry Sandusky for the former’s purported data manipulation in his signature 1998 “hockey stick” climate model — liable for defaming Mann. Steyn is appealing the court’s decision […]
National Review to Michael Mann: You owe us $1 Million for your ‘frivolous lawsuits’ against free speech By THE EDITORS March 13, 2024 On Monday, National Review filed a motion in the Superior Court for the District of Columbia to recover a portion of the legal fees that Michael Mann’s frivolous lawsuits have forced us to spend over the last twelve years. We cannot recover the time and effort that Mann has wasted, but we […]
Mann v. Steyn: Round 2 by Judith Curry The latest developments. Some new filings from Mark Steyn: New Trial: Judgment as Matter of Law: Stay of Execution: Further details at steynonline [link]
UN IPCC’s New ‘Hockey Stick’ Temperature Graph
IPCC’s New “Hockey Stick” Temperature Graph by haakonsk The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published their latest assessment report (AR6) in 2021. In 2023, the Clintel Foundation published a report which criticizes AR6. Clintel is short for Climate Intelligence, and the Clintel Foundation doesn’t think there’s a climate emergency. Overall, Clintel’s main criticism is that […]
The Hockey Stick Trial: Science Dies in a DC Courtroom By Rupert Darwall Excerpt: “Science,” wrote the philosopher Karl Popper, “is one of the very few human activities – perhaps the only one – in which errors are systematically criticised and fairly often, in time, corrected.” The sub-title of Popper’s 1963 book Conjectures and Refutations, in which he argued that science progresses through inspired conjectures […]