Warmist Holocaust survivor Prof. Tomkiewicz: ‘I am using the term ‘denier’ to make a point…Hitler was clear about what he wanted to do in Mein Kampf –why did people not pay attention?’
Green power failure: ‘Climate mania impoverishes electricity customers worldwide’
Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels on Evolution, Creationism and Global Warming: ‘Guilt by Association…Let’s stop conflating the creationist hoi polloi with skeptical climate scientists’
UK Climate Scientist Recants His Alarmism: ‘What Lovelock is saying is a) he was wrong about his predictions & b) in actuality they really don’t know what is happening…’
Lack of Global Warming Forces Major Alarmist To Admit He Was Wrong: ‘Tiny global warming over last 15 years causes James Lovelock to admit he was wrong – extreme climate change not in the cards’
Climate Audit’s McIntyre on Michael Mann’s book: ‘It amazes me that a reputable scientific community would take this sort of diatribe seriously’
Must see video:’If I Wanted America To Fail’: ‘The environmental agenda has been infected by extremism—it’s become an economic suicide pact’
Analysis finds satellite data has been continuously ‘adjusted’ to exaggerate sea level rise: ‘Adjustments’ have been made continuously over the past 8 years ‘all in one direction’ up
Warmism fades into sunset: Gallup survey: Climate dead-last among all ENVIRONMENTAL concerns — ‘Americans Worry Most About Water Contamination, Least About Global Warming’