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Blue states are stripping rural counties of ability to prevent green energy takeover of their communities By Nick Pope Several blue states have deprived rural counties of the ability to reject the massive green energy projects that corporations want to site in their communities, while green industrial interests and environmentalist groups have poured money into state capitals. Michigan, California, New York, and Illinois have all passed legislation that consolidates authority […]

Media Matters: On Sean Hannity’s show, Morano calls climate action ‘the intentional collapse of energy, food, transportation’ BY MEDIA MATTERS STAFF SEAN HANNITY (HOST): It really has nothing to do with the environment when you hear “Green New Deal,” does it? MARC MORANO (GUEST): No, absolutely nothing. And as you mentioned, they freely admit that, whether it’s AOC’s architect of the Green New Deal or even the UN. They’ve actually said, they […]

European Parliament Rejects Landmark Legislation in the EU’s Agriculture Reforms – Climate Alarmism Is Losing Ground as Economic Situation Deteriorates By Paul Serran The European Green Deal is under attack. As we continue to follow the relentless news cycle coming from Europe, we can identify two major trends that are in play both inside the countries and also in Pan-European terms. The first, of course, is the rejection of unchecked mass migration. And the […]

COP28 UN climate summit to officially target meat eating! ‘Nations will be told to curb their excessive appetite for meat’ to enforce UN plan for ‘food’s climate transition’

Bloomberg News: Eat Less Meat Is Message for Rich World in Food’s First Net Zero Plan: UN’s FAO is set to publish plan for food’s climate transition – Food expected to take more focus at COP28 summit in Dubai –

The global food systems’ road map to 1.5C is expected to be published by the United Nations’ Food & Agriculture Organization during the COP28 summit next month. Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.

The average American consumes about 127 kilograms of meat a year…The Eat-Lancet Commission recommends people consume no more than 15.7 kilograms of meat a year.


‘Meat & dairy must be reined back’ to reach ‘Net Zero by 2050’ – The impact of farming on climate crisis will be a key UN COP28 topic – ‘Global food production must become sustainable to stay within 1.5C’

UK Guardian: “Meat and dairy, must be reined back from its continued growth around the world, if targets to halve emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050 are to be met.” …

Jennifer Larbie, the head of UK advocacy and campaigns at Christian Aid: “The emissions from farming is a huge driver of the climate crisis and one which needs to be tackled at Cop28 if we are to keep global heating in check.”

Bone-Chilling: Last Christmas, the U.S. narrowly averted an energy disaster that would have decimated New York City & killed thousands By Robert Bryce Winter Storm Elliott over the East Coast of the U.S., December 23, 2022. Credit: Wikipedia.Chris Keefer, the Toronto-based physician and founder of Canadians for Nuclear Energy, calls the electric grid a “civilizational life support system.” Keefer, of course, is correct. The most critical systems in our society ­­— medical, water, wastewater, […]

Net Zero Housing: The Dark Side of ‘Smart’ Living & Personal Autonomy – Paving the Way for a Surveilled, Green ‘Utopia’ Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola The White House released plans to convert massive commercial properties into affordable “zero-emission” housing The White House announcement is peppered with Great Reset buzzwords, like “clean energy economy” and “zero emissions housing,” and echoes the agendas being pushed by globalists The “much-needed housing” will provide more room to house the […]

Biden invokes wartime powers to fund electric heaters as he cracks down on gas appliances American Gas Association says wartime law is ‘being used as an instrument to advance a policy agenda contradictory to our nation’s strong energy position’ By Thomas Catenacci Fox News President Biden invoked a Cold War-era law in a surprising move Friday to pour taxpayer funds into domestic manufacturing of electric heat pumps, an alternative to gas-powered […]

Offshore wind energy is sinking like a stone By Craig Rucker With respect to energy policy, President Biden has been nothing but consistent. From day one, he set out to end fossil fuel use in America and replace it with wind and solar power — even if green energy drives up costs and fails to deliver reliable electricity when needed. One of […]

Federal Data Shows, Again, That The Electrify Everything Push Means Higher Energy Costs EIA Winter Fuels Report: heating with electricity will cost 77% more than heating with natural gas; NuScale SMR project gets cancelled By Robert Bryce Some of America’s richest NGOs are pushing policies that ban the direct use of natural gas in homes and businesses. While they claim the ban on gas is needed to […]

Analysis: California’s climate/energy policies are a ‘National Security Risk for America’ – State ‘has increased crude oil imports from foreign countries from 5% in 1992 to more than 75% today’

Ronald Stein:  Historically, California has been successfully reducing in-state oil production over the decades and has increased crude oil imports from foreign countries from 5 percent in 1992 to more than 75 percent today to meet the California consumption demand.  Governor Gavin Newsom, by continually seeking further decreases of in-state oil production, Newsom’s emissions policies continue to force California, the 4th largest economy in the world, to be the only state in contiguous America that imports most of its crude oil feedstock to in-state refineries from foreign countries. …

California has more than 140 airports with huge fuel demands of more than 13 billion gallons of aviation fuel per year that includes these major airports:

  • 9 International airports
  • 41 Military airports

In addition, California has three of the largest shipping ports in America, with #1 Los Angeles. #2 Long Beach, and #7 Oakland. Ships arriving and departing from the shipping ports up and down the coast from San Diego to San Francisco require massive amounts of lower grade bunker fuels. … 

The California Air Quality Management District (AQMD) policies have the potential to further reduce in-state refinery capacity, so the State can be more dependent on Asia for the fuels and petrochemical demands of the State. …

With more in-state refinery closures imminent under Newsom’s watch, California can look toward Asia’s 88 new refineries for the manufactured fuels used by California’s 9 International airports, 41 Military airports, and 3 of the largest shipping terminals in America for manufactured oil derivatives that are the basis of most products in our materialistic society,