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Craig Rucker on Fox & Friends on New York offshore wind fail What they’re not telling you: “There is substantial grass roots opposition to these projects coming from commercial fishermen and those upset about their impact on marine mammals and in particular whales.”  That is giving them pause as to whether or not they can continue their operations.”

AP Again Accepts Funding From Climate-activist Group – AP issues bought & paid for ‘propaganda disguised as news’  by James Murphy The KR Foundation leaves little doubt where it stands on the issue of climate change. On its website, the group states that its raison d’être is to “address the climate crisis by pushing for a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels at a global level. In line with the Paris climate agreement, as signed by governments, and […]

Giant offshore wind project axed in blow to Biden’s green goals Global energy developers Equinor and BP on Wednesday announced they are canceling the contract for a massive wind project slated for construction off the coast of New York. The two companies said they had reached an agreement with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to terminate the offshore wind renewable energy certificate for their […]

Watch: Morano on Fox on Gore warning of billion ‘climate refugees’ – ‘Gore’s basically saying give up your freedom now, or else you’ll have to give it up later’

Fox News Channel – Jesse Watters Primetime – Broadcast December 26, 2023


Morano: You think the climate activists would love this ‘climate migration’ because the Los Angeles Times with Bill McKibben, a climate activist, actually wrote that they want more Hispanics from the Southern border coming in because they’re less likely to vote for ‘climate deniers.’ They actually want the Hispanics to come in because they think they’ll vote Democrat, and they said the quiet part out loud on the pages of the LA Times.

See: Bill McKibben in LA Times in 2013 urged more immigration to stop ‘white America’ from ‘pulling the lever for climate deniers’ – McKibben urged illegal immigration so ‘Latinos’ could replace ‘white Americans’ voting impact – ‘Election after election, native-born…citizens pull the lever for climate deniers’ ‘By contrast…77% of Latino voters think climate change is already happening’

Morano: VP Kamila Harris looked for ‘root causes’ of illegal immigration and blamed climate change. The bottom line is that it’s the climate agenda that is causing massive pain and suffering for people around the world. Look at what happened in Sri Lanka when they went all in on the climate agenda with farming. They overran the presidential Palace they tried to impose the same thing in the Netherlands, but the farmers fought back. Now it’s coming here for in the U.S., we have John Kerry coming after the American farmers, and the climate agenda is coming for Transportation. They’re coming after our energy. This is what causes displacement, it is bad policy —  not climate change —  which has a 99% drop in climate-related deaths over the last 100 years.

See: After 100 years of climate change, ‘climate-related deaths’ approach zero – Dropped by over 99% since 1920

Morano: Gore’s saying we’re going to have to give up our freedoms unless we tackle climate change. He’s basically saying give up your freedom now to the World Economic Forum, to the UN, to the World Health Organization — which wants to declare climate a public health threat. …

Gore’s basically saying give up your freedom now, or else you’ll have to give it up later. The problem is if we give up our freedoms now to fight climate change with his agenda, we’ll never see our freedom again. They won’t grant it back to us.

Watch: Morano on Fox on Biden’s green energy spending: ‘All you’re going to end up with is massive failure, massive debt, & massive inflation, which is what we actually have’

Fox Business – The Evening Edit – Broadcast December 20, 2023

Marc Morano: What they’ve done is double down on the failure. If you remember, in 2009, Biden, then vice president, was labeled ‘Sheriff Joe’ because he was going to oversee this Obama green energy stimulus funds, and he did oversee it — to things like Solyndra and its total collapse and all the democratic donors disproportionately received a lot of that money. It was also a big source of Al Gore’s massive increase in wealth from all of these green stimulus bills. What they’re doing now is making the same mistakes over and over. I’m sorry, DOE mid-level bureaucrats cannot pick winners and losers in an energy economy. All you’re going to end up with is massive failure, massive debt, and massive inflation, which is what we actually have.

Morano: When you declare war on energy even to the point of jailing fossil fuel executives as Biden did, and all the executive orders and every Cabinet agency is a climate agency is attempting to shut it down. When you make energy rationing, and you make energy more expensive, you’re going to have higher prices; you’re going to have less economic growth. That’s one of the fundamentals. The other thing he’s done is massive spending, massive debt, which leads to massive inflation, and there’s no sign that they’re stopping; they’re just doubling down, and the more they fail. The more the plans fail, the more the planners plan.

Half of Buick Dealers Take Buyouts to Avoid Having to Sell GM’s Electric Cars By JOHN BINDER Almost half of Buick dealers across the United States have opted to take buyouts from General Motors (GM) to avoid having to sell Electric Vehicles (EVs) at a time when consumer reports show Americans are increasingly turned off by the cars. According to GM, almost 1,000 of its nearly 2,000 Buick dealerships across […]

Biden launches war against single family homes: $530 million to force changes in building codes to fight climate – Home to be made ‘pointlessly more expensive & less comfortable’

Biden launches war against single family homes: 1. The Department of @Energy announced a $530 million grants program for states to change building codes because of global warming. 2. Green energy building codes would force new homes and buildings to be pointlessly more… — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) December 20, 2023