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New Study: People Distressed, Anxious About Climate Have Less ‘Climate-Specific Knowledge’ By Kenneth Richard “The degree of one’s emotions varies inversely with one’s knowledge of the facts, the less you know the hotter you get.” – Bertrand Russell Per a new study, people who are less knowledgeable about the climate and environment are more likely to experience climate change anxiety (e.g., “I find myself crying because of […]

Climatologist Dr. John Christy: “It has not been established that CO2 emissions have a confident and quantifiable causal link to climate change, whether one is talking about global temperature or about disruptive weather events,” he said before the House Natural Resources Committee in May 2015. …

“Carbon is the one that gets people to the energy that they desire,” Christy said. “When you think about the carbon dioxide emission going up, which it is … it represents people living longer and better lives.” … “It’s a problem for people who want to see a disaster story,” he said. “But it’s clearly, from the evidence we have, it is not a climate crisis at all.” … 

As proof, Christy pointed to crops and weather-related deaths. “Look at crops around the world. Record crop yields every year,” Christy said. “The number of deaths from climate and weather-related events is down 98% from what it was 100 years ago.” “The information I produce stands, and that’s ultimately what’s important,” he said. “I sleep at night because I’m not trying to change the world.”

Why 1609 Scientists Declared ‘There Is No Climate Crisis’

Why 1609 Scientists Declared “There Is No Climate Crisis” by Jeff Dunetz The believers of the climate change hypothesis have had a great summer. A horrible fire in Hawaii, one Canada smoking out the eastern U.S., and a major hurricane all blamed on climate change. All these and other calamities blamed on global warming are wrong […]

LA TIMES EDITORIAL: Biden says he’s ‘practically’ declared a climate emergency. – ‘He should’ do it for real – ‘With GOP-controlled House blocking climate action, the country needs the executive branch to respond more aggressively’

LA Times: “Invoking the National Emergencies Act, the Stafford Act and other federal laws that give the president executive authority to respond to disasters, emergencies and threats to national security would enable Biden to access additional funding for climate-resilient infrastructure projects by the Pentagon and Federal Emergency Management Agency. He could go beyond that and restore the ban on crude oil exports, suspend offshore drilling in federal waters and stop investments in foreign fossil fuel projects. And with the Republican-controlled House blocking climate action, the country needs the executive branch to respond more aggressively.”

“There is value in the country that has spewed more planet-warming pollution historically than any other declaring the crisis a true emergency. And doing it through executive action isn’t a stretch. Biden has already acted without Congress to spur production of solar panels and heat pumps under the Cold War-era Defense Production Act and designate five new national monuments using the 117-year-old Antiquities Act.”

“We need the president to scale up his response to the climate crisis accordingly, and follow through with bold new actions. Biden can start by declaring it the emergency that he already knows it to be.”

Watch: NBC News: ‘Biden urged to declare climate change a national emergency’ – ‘Can unlock special powers for a president in a crisis without needing approval from Congress’ – Similar to COVID & 9/11 Emergency Powers

Hallie Jackson of NBC – Aug. 22, 2023: “So what would that even do? Declaring an emergency can unlock special powers for a president in a crisis without needing approval from Congress, thanks to a law passed nearly 50 years ago. Since then, every President has declared at least one emergency during their time in office. Former President Trump for example, signing one in the pandemic. Former President George W. Bush declaring one after 911.”

“Now 57% of voters support the naming of a new national emergency on climate if Congress doesn’t do more, according to recent polling.”

“If President Biden were to do that it could mean new incentives for example, to cut greenhouse gas emissions, speed up EV production and build more renewable energy centers.”

Former UN IPCC Lead Author Dr. Richard Tol: ‘Climate change’ is ‘not the apocalypse’ – Warns of ‘misguided fear of doom’

Dr. Richard Tol: “Climate change is a problem, but not the apocalypse. The misguided fear of doom causes extremism and exaggerated climate protection policies.”

“The environmental movement is massive. Its leaders need to bring in lots of people and donations because they derive their power and influence from that. The story of the apocalypse as a vehicle for climate change neatly ties in with painting emissions as sin and emission reduction as atonement. It is a brilliant marketing ploy.”

“Global average crop yields have increased three-fold over the last 60 years. If that trend continues and climate change takes away half, we will grow roughly the same amount of food, per head, in 2085 as we do today…if farmers would use current best practice, not some yet-to-be-invented future technology, they would get 10 times as much produce from their land. Let climate change take away half and they still grow 5 times as much.”