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Bloomberg News: ‘South Africa Beats Climate Goal as Blackouts Slash Emissions’ – ‘Unintentional…power plant breakdowns are reducing industrial activity’ South Africa Beats Climate Goal as Blackouts Slash Emissions South Africa emissions are falling, ahead of a 2025 target Power plant breakdowns are reducing industrial activity A coal-fired power station in Mpumalanga, South Africa.Photographer: Waldo Swiegers/Bloomberg By Antony Sguazzin May 15, 2023 at 10:10 AM EDT South Africa is ahead of its target for cutting […]

The inhumanity of the green agenda: The ‘sustainability’ regime is impoverishing the world – ‘Live in ever smaller dwelling units, less mobility, & to endure more costly’ energy By JOEL KOTKIN ‘Man is the measure of all things’, Greek philosopher Protagoras wrote over 2,500 years ago. Unfortunately, our elites today tend not to see it that way. In recent years, the overused word ‘sustainability’ has fostered a narrative in which human needs and aspirations have taken a back seat to the green […]

Energy analyst Mark P. Mills exposes folly of EVs being ‘Net-Zero’: ‘You have to dig up about 500,000 pounds of materials to make a single 1000-pound battery’

Mills Full text: “There’s no such thing, of course, as a zero-emissions vehicle. The real question is, where are the emissions associated with the electric car? B Because what you do with an electric vehicle is you don’t eliminate emissions; you export them somewhere else. You have to dig up about 500,000 pounds of materials […]

Green energy is too big to fail! U.S. Climate Envoy Kerry: So much has been invested in clean energy that there can be no rolling back now

So much has been invested in clean energy that there can be no rolling back of moves to end carbon emissions, U.S. climate envoy John Kerry said Sunday. — The Washington Times (@WashTimes) April 16, 2023 SAPPORO, Japan — So much has been invested in clean energy that there can be no rolling […]

Analysis: THE WEF (WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM) ARE LIFE-HATING LIARS – WEF supported New Deal for Nature ‘amounts to nothing less than a trillion-dollar land grab, particularly in Africa’ by Paul Cudenec I was delighted to be able to travel back to England for the first time in three years and take part in the March 25 conference held in London by the Real Left, at which I was on a panel presenting “the ecological case against the WEF”. This is the text of my […]

Kamala Harris issues dire climate warning in Africa: ‘Existential threat to the entire planet’ – Praises Zambian farm for climate friendly agriculture practices By Timothy H.J. Nerozzi | Fox News Vice President Kamala Harris gave a stern warning about the “existential threat” of climate change while speaking with farmers in Africa. Harris, visiting Panuka Farm in Zambia on Saturday, thanked the farmers for a tour of their facilities and demonstrations of their work before turning the conversation to the climate. Watch […]

‘Concern grows over rich nations controlling sunlight’ – ‘Blocking the sun’s rays’ to cool the earth need to benefit poor nations By Sara Schonhardt Concern grows over rich nations controlling sunlight Radical climate interventions — like blocking the sun’s rays — could alter the world’s weather patterns, potentially benefiting some regions of the world and harming others. That possibility, climate scientists say, means any research on such methods must consider those risks and involve the countries […]

Major British Newspaper Promotes Bringing ‘Back Rationing’ to ‘Fix Global Warming’ – ‘Create a scarcity of fossil fuels’ By Joseph Vazquez Want to fight global warming? Start rationing like Britain did in World War 2! At least, that’s the idea that “one of Britain’s oldest and most influential newspapers” is promoting. British publication The Times ran one of the nuttiest bits of climate change babble in a Feb. 20 story headlined: “How to fix global warming? […]

Report: Restricting Domestic Oil & Natural Gas Production Leads to Negative Environmental Outcomes

IER Report Shows Restricting Domestic Oil and Natural Gas Production Leads to Negative Environmental Outcomes  Reductions or limitations on domestic U.S. oil production must be made up for with production in the remaining oil-producing countries, which have far lower environmental standards than the U.S.  WASHINGTON DC (02/15/23) – The Institute for Energy Research has released a new report comparing […]