Climate Rally Turnout Falls Flat, But Happiness Abounds
After Promoting ‘Major’ Leftist Event, WashPost Avoids Numbers as DC Climate Change Rally Fizzles UPDATE: Juliet Eilperin did write a followup story based on the fizzled numbers best described as “oops”: The faith-based climate rally that took place Thursday in Washington drew a much smaller crowd than anticipated, though organizers say they still managed to convey their message. The Moral Action on Climate Justice network, which worked […]
Pope Francis to the UN: environmental degradation threatens ‘the very existence of the human species’
But speaking to the United Nations General Assembly Friday, Francis transformed into an international policy, law, and development wonk – and above all, the spirited author of “Laudato Si” (“Praised Be”), his stirring encyclical on the environment. “The ecological crisis, and the large-scale destruction of biodiversity, can threaten the very existence of the human species,” […]
Watch: Video of climate activists at Papal rally in DC reveals they don’t believe in God – ‘I’m more involved with the nature religions’
Full CFACT report here:
Pope Francis pushes action on climate at U.N. On the environment, Francis said “Christians believe with other religions” that man is supposed to take care of nature. “He is not authorized to abuse it and much less is he authorized to destroy it.”
UK Sun newspaper: Pope Francis committing ‘Holy Wrong’ – ‘He has no business banging on about climate change’ – ‘Stick to religion, Your Holiness’
The UK Sun newspaper has taken a strong stand on Pope Francis’ foray into climate science. The Paper editorializes that he is committing a “holy wrong.” The Sun declares the Pontiff has “no business banging on about climate change.” “That has nothing to do with faith. It’s about science and provable facts. That science is disputed, […]
Abortion and death penalty come before climate change for church, Vatican official says The Vatican official who wrote the first draft of the papal encyclical has said abortion and the death penalty still hold primacy over climate change as issues for the Catholic church, despite the pope’s ringing call for action on the environment. As the pope moved on to New York for the second leg […]
Climate charismatics: Praise and worship team sings ‘Love Song to the Earth’ at Pope’s Capitol rally
Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘hundreds’
Washington DC: The hopes were so high back in August for a massive climate rally to support Pope Francis’ climate push. But reality has now sunk in . Climate Prediction: August 25, 2015: WaPo: ‘For Pope Francis’s D.C. visit, environmental rally of up to 200K planned’ – Several environmental groups are planning a major climate rally […]