New paper finds corals and molluscs transplanted to CO2 vents calcify and grow faster than normal
Jeff Masters & Bill McKibben Wow Their Audiences With Exceptional Hurricane Ignorance
Joe Romm Claim: 0.7C Warming Causing Total Ecosystem Collapse
New Research: Coral Reefs Will Thrive & Expand With A Warmer Global Climate
What Damage Has Human CO2 Emissions Done To Coral Reefs? New Peer-Research Says ‘Nada’
‘Sweeping changes’: Obama’s ocean task force plan would set up a holistic ‘ecosystem-based’ approach
Reality Check: Cold kills coral in Florida Keys; 1st time since ’70s
Report: Ocean acidification fears are ‘wonderful work of fiction’
Oops. Coral reefs thriving in hot water…’Looks like the corals didn’t read the IPCC reports’