CLIMATE TRUTH FILE: 2014 – Skeptical Talking Points from A-Z on Global Warming – Point-By-Point
Small sampling from report: CO2 is not the tail that wags the dog. CO2 is a trace essential gas, but without it life on Earth would be impossible. Carbon dioxide fertilizes algae, trees, and crops to provide food for humans and animals. We inhale oxygen and exhale CO2. Slightly higher atmospheric CO2 levels cannot possibly supplant the numerous complex […]
Climate Catastrophe Cancelled! Geologist Debunks NOAA Climate Report Point-By-Point
Exclusive to Climate Depot Geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook, professor emeritus of geology at Western Washington University and author of 150 scientific journal articles and 10 books, including “Evidence Based Climate Science,” issued a point-by-point rebuttal to the new NOAA climate report and the media articles surrounding it. Live Science: ‘Climate Records Shattered in 2013’ – […]
Report: 1350+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against Man-Made Global Warming Alarm
“A tour de force list of scientific papers…” – Robert M. Carter, Ph.D. Environmental Scientist “Wow, the list is pretty impressive …It’s Oreskes done right.” – Luboš Motl, Ph.D. Theoretical Physicist “I really appreciate your important effort in compiling the list.” – Willie Soon, Ph.D. Astrophysicist and Geoscientist “…it’s a very useful resource. Thanks to […]
2013 had the fewest US forest fires since 1984
‘Least extreme U.S. weather year ever?’ 2013 shatters the record for fewest U.S. tornadoes — 15% lower than previous record — 2013 also had the fewest U.S. forest fires since 1984
Much to the chagrin of man-made global warming activists who want to tie every weather event to so called ‘global weirding’, 2013 has turned out to be one of the “least extreme” weather years in U.S. history. See: New Study: ’2013 ranks as one of the least extreme U.S. weather years ever’– Many bad weather events […]
Flashback study shows most frequent typhoons happened in Little Ice Age: ‘2004 paleoclimate reconstruction of hurricane landfalls in South-eastern China: ‘Remarkably, the two periods of most frequent typhoon strikes in Guangdong (AD 1660–1680, 1850–1880) coincide with two of the coldest & driest periods in northern & central China during the Little Ice Age’
Quietest Tornado Year On Record In The US
New study shows Malaria has little to do with temperature or climate, but more with household size – Published in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
Temperature: If one looks at annual mean temperature in isolation, it could easily yield the mistaken view that higher temperature results in a higher likelihood of malaria occurring in a country. For instance, a simple comparison of histograms showing the fraction of countries by temperature, dividing the sample into places where malaria has been eradicated (top […]
New paper finds US extreme heat waves have decreased since the 1930’s – Published in Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
New paper finds Pacific Ocean has been significantly warmer than the present throughout vast majority of past 10,000 years – Published in Science
‘The paper shows [Fig 4a below] that the Pacific Ocean from 0-700 meter depth heat content was greater than the latter 20th century for at least ~8,000 years or 80 centuries. For the intermediate depths from 600-900 meters, the reconstructed temperatures [Fig 2d] were higher than the end of the 20th century for about 95% […]