Former UN Scientist Michael Mann Sums Up Second Trump Term With 2 Chilling Words – ‘GAME OVER’ For The Climate
Michael Mann: “A second Trump presidency would be more or less game over for climate action,” he added. “It would be game over for domestic climate policy and as goes the U.S., goes the rest of the world when it comes to action on climate.
2020 REPORT: The Reassuring Facts About The Climate In 2019 – ‘2019 cooler than 2016’ Global Warming Policy Foundation London, 26 May: 2019 saw the continuation of many climate trends, most of them unalarming and even reassuring. That’s the conclusion of a new report published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation. According to the author, Professor Ole Humlum, although there has been a gentle warming in the last 40 years, […]
Statistician: UN climate treaty will cost $100 trillion – To Have No Impact – Postpone warming by less than four years by 2100
Danish statistician Dr. Bjorn Lomborg, the President of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, has come out denouncing the UN climate Paris agreement as a massive waste of money that will do nothing to impact climate change. In a January 16, 2017 Prager U video titled, “The Paris Climate Agreement Won’t Change the Climate,” Lomborg explains that “the agreement will […]
Climate activists suggest Paris Terror attack linked to ISIS-OPEC attempt to kill UN climate treaty & raise oil prices
Climate activists are suggesting a conspiratorial plot in the aftermath of the Paris terror attack. “Could the attacks and [the UN climate summit] COP21 possibly be related?,” asked Oliver Tickell, who edits The Ecologist, in an article on November 14. Tickell’s article asked: “Is it a coincidence that the terrorist outrage in Paris was committed […]
Why get vasectomy to save planet guy Eric Holthaus took the bus instead of flying to an annual weather meeting: ‘I Spent 28 Hours on a Bus. I Loved It’
UN IPCC Lead Author Dr. Richard Tol has ‘massive criticism’ for new paper — German newspaper Der Spiegel takes apart global warming/violence paper: Accuses ‘authors of gross errors and a distorted selection of data’ — ‘Global Warming: Study on Climate Change/War Met With Fierce Criticism’
Der Spiegel excerpts: Data was cherry-picked Jürgen Scheffran, Professor for Climate Change and Security at the University of Hamburg and his colleagues evaluated 27 studies and found that 16 were statistically significant in showing that global warming increased the probability of violent conflict, but that 11 studies said they could actually have the opposite effect, i.e. […]